Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: You are right,Jules! The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Sajha wrote: Thanks for posting, jules. I'm surprised that your comments submitted to the city council, were so positively answered and acted on! You've inspired me to do the same! Thanks for the motivation. Sajha
CharlieB wrote: Sometimes it just takes a new point of view
Kittymom wrote: Jules, you've done two acts of kindness: you took time to notice that something was wrong, and then took action on it. Thank you for the inspiration!
erinvictoria wrote: One simple letter is all it took to make such a positive change? How cool is that? You restored my faith in community today. Unfortunately not all cities are like that, but am glad that yours listened! Good job!
Ollie wrote: Amen!
AnnieJ wrote: Great job! While a lot of people might be suspicious of their councilmen and women, i think that they sometimes have no way of knowing. So thanks for stepping up and helping make a difference! :d
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