Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just By Making A Little Positive Effort

--by Jules, posted Apr 12, 2011

It's only since I've been walking everywhere that I noticed the “grot spots” and dangerous locations in and around my town. 

When we are safe and snug in our cars we tend to whizz by and hardly notice what life is like for those who travel on foot!  But, deprived of a car, I saw everything from the perspective of the more vulnerable pedestrian. 

Speaking to local residents I came to realise that other foot-travelling folk had the same concerns about litter, dog dirt, absence of street lighting, dangerous driving and impossibly placed road crossings too. 

I decided to do something about it, so I wrote to my local council. And do you know what? They actually thanked me for bringing these issues to their attention! I was kept informed of their progress and can happily say that they have taken action on all but one issue!

I believe we should do our best to action stuff instead of just talking or moaning about it. It’s amazing what can be achieved with a little positive effort!

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: You are right,Jules! The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Joy wrote: This is cute of you jules!

I pray to be a blessing to my community
Manuella wrote: That shows you we can all make a different.

Good job!

Sajha wrote: Thanks for posting, jules. I'm surprised that your comments submitted to the city council, were so positively answered and acted on! You've inspired me to do the same! Thanks for the motivation. Sajha
CharlieB wrote: Sometimes it just takes a new point of view
Kittymom wrote: Jules, you've done two acts of kindness: you took time to notice that something was wrong, and then took action on it. Thank you for the inspiration!
erinvictoria wrote: One simple letter is all it took to make such a positive change? How cool is that? You restored my faith in community today. Unfortunately not all cities are like that, but am glad that yours listened! Good job!
Ollie wrote: Amen!
AnnieJ wrote: Great job! While a lot of people might be suspicious of their councilmen and women, i think that they sometimes have no way of knowing. So thanks for stepping up and helping make a difference! :d
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