Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness I Received in the UK

--by s27466958, posted Apr 13, 2011

I recently returned home to South Africa from the U.K., and the people I met in the U.K. were so kind to me. Just before I left, one lady gave me two nice bags, and, similarly, my roommate gave me a nice jewelry bag. The experience and the kindness I received from the people in the U.K made me realize that the world we live in is not such a bad world. Despite all the sad stories we hear every day -- stories that make us want to hide and cry out loud -- there is still hope that dances around us.

Just yesterday, I went to the cafeteria and saw a guy I know sitting in a corner drinking his cola. I bought two apples for us and went to greet him. I gave him the apple before I left and could see his face glowing! The satisfaction I felt was beyond words.

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Readers Comments

mitu915 wrote: cute story! now, you even made it sound yummy to have apples and coke! :) i just might have to try that out! :)
InnerAlchemist wrote: Nice that you are giving back to others after receiving such positive acts of kindness. Keep creating those good ripples...our world needs them!
Andrew wrote: Vry nice story of kindness

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