Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Inspired by the Courage of an Intern

--by Joy4All, posted Apr 16, 2011

In August, an intern came to work at  my company. As I began to get to know her I was inspired by her story.

In addition to coming from the inner city and having suffered many abuses as a child, her story was one of courage. At age 20 she went to bed with a headache and woke up paralyzed and unable to speak. She had a brain virus that caused the brain to swell. She had to relearn to talk, walk, write and lost much of her vision and balance. Despite all that she continued with her education and graduated in December with a bachelor's degree.  

Her family was not supportive, her mother did not even wish to attend the graduation. The last week she was here I told her to show up early and dress up as we were taking someone else to lunch.  Instead, I had a surprise. When she arrived she was treated to a facial and a makeover complete with items to take home. Then we went shopping and bought her a beautiful suit for her graduation day and another outfit for interviews.  The final stop was lunch at her favorite restaurant. It was a GREAT day for me and her.

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Readers Comments

oldgirl wrote: To give so generously to another person shows that you have a lovely heart and attitude towards others joy4all.

You are truly blessed and so are those special people in your life.
AK. wrote: A deeply moving story. How one can make a difference to another person's life by one single simple deed. And compassion.
Maryjersey wrote: Thank you for making her day and her accomplishments special. You were generous with your time, your money and your heart. She poured out herself to improve her life. And it came back to her through you. And your efforts will be rewarded, too.
CharlieB wrote: What a wonderful kindness to do for her. May it come back to you tenfold.
luv4all wrote: What a brave girl! Thanks for appreciating her and making her day special! You made her smile and me too!
Joy wrote: Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful story of kindness. So inspirational.
Sajha wrote: So wonderful! Bless you, bless you! A beautiful send off into the professional world for a remarkable young woman.
ihuerta wrote: I love stories like these it gets me pumped for those long days :d
sethi wrote: Thank you for your kindness.
Yonylde wrote: Happy to hear the story. Such a kind and wonderful heart of yours:)

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