Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Happiness Through Singing

--by Jacinda, posted Apr 7, 2011

Had such a wonderful day today, I sang for about 3 hours today, with my sisters "The Short Sistars" bringing smiles to many people in  the community during this holiday time as the crowds of people sat and watched :)

It was so much fun to see the joy our music and our smiles brought to so many people. Also we sang quite a few original called "We're a Family" which talks about the community all joining together in harmony to create one! People working together not as many people all separately...but all together as one.

Wow! To see crowds sitting and listening, moving to the beat with such joy across there faces I love seeing so many happy people! :)

I think we made many people's day and all those people made our day too.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and amazing year 2011!


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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: That is wonderful and you have made my day bright too!
Aurelia wrote: Awww...good for you brightening up everyones day and putting them in a Cheerful Mood. You and your sisters are such a gift to som many :)
Love Ya Tootsie! :o) Smiles are Contagious...Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: I am SO HAPPY to have the good "old" Jacinda back. I am jumping up and down in happiness and have a big smile on my face. Welcome back my precious beautiful princess. Keep on singing and shining your Light. I big kiss for your sisters too and have the best 2011 of your life. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
trueblue wrote: You always make me smile...Please keep singing the world needs bright stars...

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