Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying Forward My Gratitude

--by dragonmyst77, posted Apr 23, 2011

When I was 23 years old I was in a dangerous relationship with the man who was my financee at the time. I was being physically and verbally abused on a daily basis.  I was financially tied to him (after he spent all my savings to pay his debts) but I wanted to be free! 

For the longest time I was too embarrassed to tell my mother about the situation. She had warned me about him. But, eventually, I worked up the courage to tell her and she sent me the money I needed to leave. 
Before the money arrived he found out what I planned to do. I was so scared of what he might do I decided to leave all my things and just get out of there.
Then, on my way to safety, my car died! I had automobile insurance (thanks to my mom) so I called the AAA and had them tow the car to a garage.  It turned out the repair was going to cost $80.00 and the money my mom sent hadn't arrived by that point.  
The owner of the garage must have known something was up because he asked what was wrong. I told him a brief version of my story and told him I could pay him in two days.  
He never told me his name but I will never forget him or what he did for me that day! He fixed the car immediately and told me he would not accept any payment - ever! He said he had a daughter almost my age and would like to think that if she ever needed help in the future then some stranger might do the same for her.
Since then I have tried to help people in my own way. Now I have a beautiful twelve year old daughter and I hope throughout her life she can help others and be helped when she needs it, like I was!


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Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: There are some really wonderful people in this world. Thank you for sharing your story.
unknown wrote: Beautiful, this is how kindness seeps across generations, thanks for sharing dragonmyst77 ...
heartofflesh wrote: Angels are sent regularly to help women who are in distress and you could be an angel to someone. So always entertain strangers and look for the opportunities to reach out.
I appreciate your courage to share your story. God bless you friend !
Bluebellgirl wrote: Yay! Kindness has the ability to save lives. Both you and the kind man who had fixed ur car are blessed with good karma. Thanks for sharing :)
peet wrote: we need to show the world the lesson that it is more than okay to ask for help and more than okay to offer help! we get so stuck sometimes with this unwritten rules and it is not helping anyone. People need to receive as well as people need to give. hug peet
trueblue wrote: The courage you showed when you were just 23 gained you more than freedom from a violent man..that day...your faith was renewed in meeting this kind and caring were blessed that day...forever upward, forever onward..I am sure that your daughter will be as caring as you are...some things are meant to be... :)
madeusmile wrote: Perhaps car trouble was part of the big plan to ensure that you'd have faith to believe in the hearts of other men rather than judge them all by one with issues. What an impact the mechanic's kindness has had on your life. And it probably wouldn't have been such an impact had you not been victimized by someone else. Tough lesson to learn...but I am glad for the positive outcome. Blessings to you and your daughter...and the dear mechanic in shining armor.
dragonmyst wrote: He really saved my life and I will nvever forget his kindness!
dragonmyst wrote: Thank you all for your kind words and for reading my story!
Cory wrote: Hey,

This is a really beautiful story. I love that he didn't allow you to pay. It is nice to hear stories of such great compassion!

Read more stories like this at actkindblog. Com

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