Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping One Mother To Another

--by sheiladbauman, posted May 17, 2011

My husband stayed home with my daughter, and I took my son in to the ER after a fall off the slide, where he landed on his head. 

We were in the ER for observation for a couple of hours and when it was time to leave I realized I had no money with me to pay the toll to leave the emergency parking lot.  It was late enough (10 p.m.) that the cafeteria wasn't open, and my credit card wasn't working in the ATM machine.  The hospital volunteer told me to find a security guard who might help me with a token, but they were no where to be found.

So, I called my husband trying to figure out what's the easiest way to get us home.  All the time I'm holding my 3-year-old who is very tired and stressed from the ER visit.  Unknown to me,  a mom is listening to me talk to my husband.  When I hang up she approaches me and asks how much I need.  I started crying.  I was relieved, tired, overwhlemed, and so grateful.  My little guy is wiping the tears from my cheeks and I'm blubbering my thanks to this stranger.

She's holding her sick-looking 3-year-old in her arms, and is offering to help me, one mom to another.

That $8 felt like receiving one million!


This was eight months ago, but I still vividly remember my  feelings of overwhelming stress and then relief when she offered helped.  I now always make sure I have money tucked away for an emergency ~either mine, or another person who is in need.

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. Whenever she comes to your mind bless her and her child. She might be in need of a kind though. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! I love reading about the kindness of strangers. It all matters! :)
kathielee wrote: What a blessing we can all be to each other! Thank you for sharing, and for being ready to return the favor! God bless you!
ANITA wrote: Wwe get more out of doing this than the receiver. Very touching, brought tears into my eyes. Thanks for sharing
Ollie wrote: Beautiful story , thank you for sharing.
Jill wrote: This is awesome!
thebigkind wrote: I know the feeling! I had tears in my eyes at the end of your story. Such small acts of kindness but they make a huge difference.
LJeanne wrote: This made me cry too! What a wonderful thing to step forward and give from the heart.
cabbage wrote: That is beautiful--and i am sure that you have passed on her kind act to others!
headache wrote: Wonderful life experience story - i feel you could have been in extreme stress but by the grace of god through the kindness of a stranger, it turned out well. My daughter was in the same situation one night at the hospital and after tears, and some prayers, she found out the gate tender was on break and had left the gate open so she just drove through.

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