Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude For This Community

--by erinvictoria, posted May 11, 2011

I have seen so much bickering, and people trying to "one-up" each other on websites, that this website almost doesn't feel real.  Could I have really found such a nice place with such kind people, that feel as I do? 

When I try to share ideas of kindness, most people in my life think it's silly, a waste of time when there is so much I could be doing for myself.  They don't understand that by helping others I am helping myself.  It gives me energy, it gives me creativity, it makes me feel better physically and mentally.  AND IT HELPS SOMEONE ELSE IN THE PROCESS. How is that wrong?  It is wishy washy, and I can't save the world, they say.  No, I can't but when I becomes "we" and "we" becomes "just about everyone," it will have made a difference.  The world will have changed.  You know why that movie Pay it Forward was so popular?  Because there are good people that understood the concept of the movie and had ideas themselves.  

It is a breath of fresh air to come here, and read such great stories and ideas of ways to demonstrate kindness.  It is also sooo nice to see that there are only positive, encouraging  comments afterwards.  

One of my friends joined here today.  I shared two stories I read here: "I wish you Enough" and "10th Birthday, Car Washes, and $62.82"   She loved them, so I told her if she loved those stories to come here, that I knew she would love it.  And she does =-)

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Readers Comments

madeusmile wrote: Welcome to "Help Others"... the more the merrier! :) Extending kindness to others is never a waste of time. One small act or one small comment can turn someone's day around. Never stop trying to make the world a better place. Maybe we can't change the world...but we sure aren't hurting it! :)
heartofflesh wrote: Humanity is a web and whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves....Thanks for your gracious words...We welcome you !
smilingdaisy wrote: Thank you so much erinvictoria for sharing this website with others! This is such an encouraging website that it would be impossible to visit it and not feel encouraged to help others. You are an inspiration!
smilingdaisy wrote: Thank you so much erinvictoria for sharing this website with others! This is such an encouraging website that it would be impossible to visit it and not feel encouraged to help others. You are an inspiration!
unknown wrote: Erin, humanity always finds a way according to our beliefs. While some believe in aggression, war and violence and find their sources, those who believe in peace, non-violence, love and altruism, find this too. So, your heart's need is complemented externally and so, thanks to you foremost :) Yes, so good to see such similar folks around ... God bless you all and lots :D
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The kindness here is infectious! I have found many great ideas from reading people's stories. The warmth and support in itself makes the world a better place!
SunshineGirl wrote: Oh my Goodness!!! How true, Erin! You shared this site with my li'l sis, and she, in turn, shared it with me; and, I'm so glad because, even though I just joined tonight, I've already been inspired & am enjoying so many stories, that I was going to go to another site, but I got so involved here, that I haven't been able to pull myself away yet! LOL!!! God Bless you for telling my "Li'l Sista" about this site!
erinvictoria wrote: I'm so glad you like it! I love this website, it is life changing, in a great way!
Aurelia wrote: ERINVICTORIA!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. I love the wonderful sense of Unity I feel when I am on this site. Our acts of kindness really do create a special bond with others...and the feeling is amazing!!! Welcome and I look forward to seeing you around the stories and comments! :)
Smiles are Contagious :0) ~Aurelia
cirrus wrote: My mom doesn't know I do random acts of kindness because she thinks it's silly and her reaction is always: what have they done for you?
I don't need them to do something for me, because I see there happy faces.
Welcome to, have a good time, and you know: you will never leave, I sure didn't :D

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