Readers Comments
bluxess wrote: I guess he was just planted there to sow the seed 'people are more important than things' in your heart ... A priceless gift ... indeed ... Thanks for sharing ...
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Wise words to always remember, thanks for sharing! :)
patato wrote: I do not think it was an accident that the man showed up at that precise moment; there are many "coincedences" in our lives that just may not actually be coincendence! Thank you for sharing your story!
TREESPIRIT wrote: Objects can always be replaced, people and personaliities, characters can't - we live in a very materialistic world where objects and things are seen more important that people. The man turned up - your guardian angel - to remind you of this fact. Which to this day you have never forgotten. From your african sister.
Cutiee Pie wrote: How could ur mom spank you when u just did that for your brother?
iLoveCottonCandy wrote: Thats so sweet for you to actually bring your brother to your mother. I think that is really kind of you to do that.
venkat wrote: You have done a great thing but stepmothers always do not see reason. Good to have learnt a lesson-that people are more important.
Touched wrote: Beautiful story, thank you for sharing :)
BornToHelp13 wrote: Since childhood, i was taught by my mother not to talk to stangers. But considering on what you have experienced i think strangers coulb be trustworthy after all. Thanks for your wonderful story hasifa! =)
erinvictoria wrote: That story made me smile and cry at the same time. You are a wonderful sister. You were wise beyond your years at such a young age. To carry your little brother on your back because you knew he needed to see his mother was so kind of you. That stranger helped you, and makes me think, it was really an angel, there when you needed one most. Thank you for sharing that story. It touched my heart.