Stories of Kindness from Around the World

More Kindness Inspired By A Homeless Man

--by wooka85257, posted May 10, 2011


It was bitterly cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a "shelter" next to a power unit on the canal bank. His "shelter" was a tarpaulin taped to the metal unit and anchored with rocks to keep the wind from blowing it away.  He had been living there for over a month in weather that often dipped below freezing. In all the times I passed that makeshift lean-to I never saw him with warm clothing or food. I knew what I wanted to do.
I was young, living at home, and when I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. I could be putting myself at risk, taking a box to a homeless person in the night time! But I knew, on some intrinsic level, that I would be safe. 
I went to the grocery store and got an apple box with a solid top and bottom. My parents watched as I bought and added individually wrapped: warm gloves, a heavy blanket, a pillow and pillowcase, a comb, a new toothbrush with toothpaste, a new wash cloth and towel, a popular book for men, ten oranges from our trees in the backyard, handiwipes, a flashlight with three sets of batteries, a roll of duct tape (for his tarp), a knitted cap (a contribution from my Dad,) Christmas cookies, small bags of pretzels and chips, stainless steel cutlery, a handful of sugar-free candies (not wanting to make him sick if he was diabetic), two pairs of new woollen socks, and lastly a warm shirt.  
It filled the box! Then, I put a Christmas card on top which I had bought specifically with him in mind. It said, "Even though we hardly know each other, you matter and I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!" Inside the card I wrote him a note explaining how I had seen him every day when I passed by that street and how I wanted to give him this box so he would have a Christmas present to open. I put ten one-dollar bills and two coupons for McDonald's inside the envelope as well.
My father insisted he accompany me to the area as it was 10pm on Christmas Eve. I said he could drive me but he absolutely had to stay in the car. He agreed.  
I took the box, which by now was heavy with all those individually wrapped gifts and walked towards his lean-to. I called out to him, "Sir, I have a Christmas box for you!"  
"Go away!" he yelled.  
"Sir," I repeated, "I have made up a Christmas box for you."  
"Go away! Go away!" he yelled - but I noticed he was looking at the box.  
"Why do you want me to go away?" I asked him.
He pulled himself from his lean-to and walked over towards me under the street light. I expected to see an angry face that would match the angry words. Instead I was taken aback by two of the most beautiful, gentle, blue eyes I have ever seen.  
"Merry Christmas, Sir, " I said.  
"Why are you doing this?" he asked.
"Because you matter to me," I said. With that I gave him the box.  
Tears came to his eyes and he thanked me. It was all I could do to hold it together long enough to get back to the car. I watched him carry the box like it was filled with gold and set it down inside his lean-to. I didn't want to embarrass him by watching him any more so Dad and I left.
I saw him only one more time. He was wearing the shirt, the hat and the gloves, so I knew he had opened and liked at least those things. I waved to him as my car sped past, hoping he would know it was me saying, "Hi!"  
It was the biggest act of kindness I had done to date and it forever made me want to do more!


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Readers Comments

peanut wrote: What a brave & wonderful girl you are,he did not hear those words you matter to me probably in a long time. God bless you & i am sure he enjoyed the gifts also. Love peanut
oldgirl wrote: What a wonderful thing for you to do for another person wooka85257. You know he opened the gift box because you saw him wearing the shirt, hat and the gloves. I am sure that he really enjoyed the food that you gave him as well.

You are one person he will never forget wooka85257.
wooka85257 wrote: And i have never forgotten him, oldgirl. I felt so extraordinarily blessed to give him that box, and the expression in his beautiful blue eyes has stayed with me ever since. You know how some people touch your life in an instant, and stay with you forever? He was that experience for me. And i remain so grateful to him for trusting me enough to take the gift.
Diane wrote: What a precious gift you are! God bless you over and over for your tenderness and generous giving spirit. Bless your dad, too, for allowing you to follow your heart.
BornToHelp13 wrote: It's such a wonderful thing that you have gone to such extremes so that you could help a person in need. I personally salute you for doing such a brave and honest thing even though there's the chance that he might hurt you. You're a good person ''wooka85257'' and i do believe that you'll be able to do more kindness. Thank you for sharing this heart whelming story my friend. May god bless you and your family!

rainbowSmiles wrote: This was so sweet! You filled the box with so much care and love by thinking of each item he needed. May god bless you for making someone happy not only for a day but every time he remembered the incidence.

Love n smiles for being such a kind heart
Lydia wrote: Very generous indeed. May god bless you and your family for bringing warmth & love to that homeless man.
Emuye fifi wrote: Really touched me. You are one of those special people, thank you for sharing your kindness and compassion with the world
jwf3937 wrote: It takes a child to see everyone as a "friend". There is no judgement, just acceptance. If we could all remain children in this aspect. The blessing is that you know the joy of giving at such an early age. Imagine what the future holds for you!

Thank you for being you!

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