Readers Comments
LJeanne wrote: I love your story- you are very kind and kindness is returned to you.
Namaste wrote: Thanks for sharing! How delightful that it ended up being $50. 17 -- reflecting both the 17 cents you gave and 50 that you received!
The universe/god(dess) has such a wonderful smiling sense of humor and synchroncity!
May you be blessed with abundance in all ways!
The universe/god(dess) has such a wonderful smiling sense of humor and synchroncity!
May you be blessed with abundance in all ways!
Jesikaia wrote: I love how the grand total mirrored that day's exchanges! :) wonderful, thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
wooka85257 wrote: You know what's funny? I didn't make the correlation of the amount of money that was in the jar with the two instances i wrote about, but you're absolutely right! It corresponded perfectly with those two amounts! Who says god doesn't have a sense of humor! That's a hoot!
adria wrote: Reading your story filled this cloudy morning light. Perfect proof that little things can mean so much.
Bless you
Bless you
EmmigrantMars wrote: God bless the giving people!
joy wrote: Thanks for sharing and spreading your good karma. Good point namaste- what a sign from the universe 50. 17.
luv4all wrote: An interesting, lovely read. Wow, the universe is so kind. It gives each one what we truly need without asking for it.
The other day i was feeling a little low and suddenly got 3 emails popping up from people with appreciation for a story posted earlier. Amazing, made me smile instantly :)
The other day i was feeling a little low and suddenly got 3 emails popping up from people with appreciation for a story posted earlier. Amazing, made me smile instantly :)
naomibunney wrote: Such a sweet heart warming story, especially loved the way that after all that time and all that money was saved up, that it was given so selflessly to a friend in need!
RMB333 wrote: Wooka85257 it was really heart warming to read your's. Thank you so much. Wish there were more like you. Untold blessings!