Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Karma Returned

--by wooka85257, posted May 21, 2011

When I lived in Portland, I lived pretty much hand to mouth.  I had injured my knee and couldn't work and my tiny early retirement check paid rent only.  I was on food stamps so I could eat, and getting around on crutches made bus travel challenging.  But it was my only recourse as my car had so many repairs needed, I couldn't afford to have it fixed.

Curiously, I would find money all the time, so I started a FOUND MONEY jar.  It was the biggest jar I could find (a Mason quart jar), because I was always finding coins on the street or in theaters or in seats.  When I would come home with coins I had found, in they would go.  One time I found a $5 bill in my garden by my apartment.  It was the biggest bill I ever found, and it lived in the jar as the reigning queen of the money I'd found.

One day as I was waiting for the bus to take me from Lloyd Center to home, a young high school age girl was fishing through her backpack, obviously looking for enough change to ride the bus.  It was a VERY brisk Fall afternoon, too cool to really walk very far.  "How much are you short?" I asked her, and startled, she looked up at me, counted her coins, and said, "17 cents."  I got 17 cents from my wallet and gave it to her, saying, "I find money on the streets all the time; consider this "found money" not money from me."  She smiled, and thanked me, and I thought nothing more about it.

After returning to my apartment, I realized I had a doctor's appointment at 4pm across town!  I quickly changed clothes, hobbled to the transit center, where I caught the bus to go from the Laurelhurst district to Hillsboro.  I bought a 2 zone pass, thinking that would be all I would need.  I rode the bus, enjoying the beautiful scenery as we went across the bridge to the west side of Portland.  At a stop, the bus driver said, "this is the end of zone 2; if you wish to continue, you need to buy another ticket."  Not a problem, I thought.  I fished into my wallet and realized I only had a $10 bill... and the buses do not give change.  I couldn't afford to spend $10 for a 50 cent upgrade, so I asked the 3 remaining people on the bus if anyone had any 1s I could swap a $10 for.  No one did.  But a young college student on her way home asked me how much I was short.  "50 cents," I told her.  She fished around in her bag and came up with 2 quarters.  I thanked her profusely and offered to send it to her if she would give me her address.  "No problem," she said. 

It was an incident of almost instant karma... and one I have never forgotten.

Incidentally, when I left Portland 4 years later to go to Phoenix to care for my elderly parents, I had only an inch to go in the quart jar to reach the top.  I filled endless rolls of coins, and cashed it in at the bank.  I gave it to a young friend who was having a difficult time, and told her it wasn't my money; it was a gift from the Universe.  It had gifted me $50.17.

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Readers Comments

LJeanne wrote: I love your story- you are very kind and kindness is returned to you.
Namaste wrote: Thanks for sharing! How delightful that it ended up being $50. 17 -- reflecting both the 17 cents you gave and 50 that you received!

The universe/god(dess) has such a wonderful smiling sense of humor and synchroncity!

May you be blessed with abundance in all ways!
Jesikaia wrote: I love how the grand total mirrored that day's exchanges! :) wonderful, thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
wooka85257 wrote: You know what's funny? I didn't make the correlation of the amount of money that was in the jar with the two instances i wrote about, but you're absolutely right! It corresponded perfectly with those two amounts! Who says god doesn't have a sense of humor! That's a hoot!
adria wrote: Reading your story filled this cloudy morning light. Perfect proof that little things can mean so much.

Bless you
EmmigrantMars wrote: God bless the giving people!
joy wrote: Thanks for sharing and spreading your good karma. Good point namaste- what a sign from the universe 50. 17.
luv4all wrote: An interesting, lovely read. Wow, the universe is so kind. It gives each one what we truly need without asking for it.

The other day i was feeling a little low and suddenly got 3 emails popping up from people with appreciation for a story posted earlier. Amazing, made me smile instantly :)
naomibunney wrote: Such a sweet heart warming story, especially loved the way that after all that time and all that money was saved up, that it was given so selflessly to a friend in need!
RMB333 wrote: Wooka85257 it was really heart warming to read your's. Thank you so much. Wish there were more like you. Untold blessings!

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