Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Excitement of 'Pay It Forward'

--by keriann, posted May 26, 2011

I have been sending out smile cards with little gifts around my work place for about six months. Since I place the gifts in our interoffice mailbox, I never know who gets them or see their reactions. As I place gifts in the mail box I imagine people's reactions and it makes me happy to know that maybe I am making someone's day a little brighter.

Today I got to witness the reaction. Apparently, one of the little gifts I left in the mailbox this morning made it's way to a co-worker of mine. Today's gifts was a little cloth kleenex holder than you can leave in your purse and a yarn flower bag tag, so my co-worker, a guy, passed it along to another female co-worker. I heard them talking as they figured out what it was and why they had received it , and the whole concept of "paying forward." I later heard her talking and brainstorming on what she would like to do. It was exciting to hear others get excited about the "pay it forward" concept and hear their ideas.

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Readers Comments

BornToHelp13 wrote: That is very exciting! It wouldn't be a wonder that soon enough, you'll be able to affect your whole office with the "pay it forward" concept like the ripples in a pond!

Keep up the good work "keriann" and may you have a blessed days all throughout your life.

God bless you! =)
divakarbio7 wrote: This is awesome :)
I am starting this at my work place from next monday :)

Thank you for sharing :)
ecoenergygirl wrote: Thanks for being a catalyst encouraging others to look at life differently, and in a more positive light!

And how cool that you got the gift of knowing about the reaction.
Bette wrote: What a great idea keriann. I am going to also pay it forward. Thanks so much for sharing!
modupe wrote: We recently held a retreat for 65 social workers and the theme was on kindness. We have been running this retreat for over 10 years but this retreat brought out so many wonderful qualities for everyone.
Spoonerism wrote: Thanks for the great idea! I have a very small office, but we're part of a bigger building which has probably 50 or so companies all in similar offices to ours. I just made these little packs of chocolate buttons with some nice ribbon, so i'll pop one or two in the post for people around the building. Brilliant!
Loretta wrote: I like to target the young adults in my kindness attacks. They are caught off guard and i think it really opens them up to a new thinking.
Joy wrote: How exciting that your acts of kindness are creating a ripple effect. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you.
oldgirl wrote: Keep up the good work keriann. It is wonderful that you experienced first hand the reaction to your kindness.
crosby2126 wrote: I know just what you are saying. I did the same thing as you. It was so much fun and created such a buzz at my workplace.
Being a "giver" is the best feeling! Way to go!!

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