Readers Comments
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for being a Angel. Love and light, Bluebell
lynnbell wrote: I'm so sorry for loss. What a beautiful thing you did to lift her spirits. Yes, she is dancing in the sky :-)
madeusmile wrote: You are just precious! My sympathy on your loss... I am glad that she had a friend like you.
1golddragonfly wrote: I’m sorry to hear your friend has passed and hope the memories of your times together bring you comfort. She had a great friend and I'm sure she felt loved.
smilingdaisy wrote: I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. But, I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that you gave her a bunch of smiles before she left this world. You are a genuine friend for being their to build her up when she needed it. You made her beautiful for the dance she was attending in heaven!
unknown wrote: what a beautiful gift you gave your friend and her family.......a little bit of normalcy at a time when everything is anything but normal. My Dad died a year ago to the day your friend died, and he wanted freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast, so of course we gave it to him. In 3 hours, he was gone.....but it was the touch of something normal in his life, just as what you did for your friend was the "something normal" you could do for her. Many blessings on your sweet and kind heart for giving her that gift.
Aurelia wrote: So sorry for your loss. You truly gave her a special gift. Girls just want to be girls...even though she wasn't feeling good on the inside you changed that for her when she looked in the mirror because I am sure her heart beat fast to see how pretty she was looking. I am sure she knew that you were there making her pretty for her family. You were certainly doing God's work with your hands...special blessings.
hasifa wrote: With such a beatuiful heart that you have, I bet you worked wonders on her. I know she felt and looked beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
unknown wrote: Thanks for being there ... A part of her is always by her family, a part of her is always with you ... Thanks so much for making her last journey worthwhile ... God bless you my dear friend ...
cabbage wrote: You are such a special friend---thank you for sharing this touching story. I am very sorry for your loss. Much love and hugs.