Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Teaching My Daughter To Give And Receive With Grace

--by Bluebell, posted May 29, 2011

In the UK in recent  years there is a fashion of giving children party bags at birthday parties to thank them for coming. I always found it a waste of money for those who have to buy them and a nightmare for those who receive them because it usually is just a small bag filled with sweets and tiny toys that end up in the vacum cleaner. 

Four years ago I decided to use the money that would have been spent on party bags on something more useful. I donated teddy bears to children in need.  And this year, I donated money to a charity that provides clean water for people in Malawi.

It makes me smile to think that 15 people are going to have clean water for 1 year, that wouldn't otherwise have had access.  I also sent a package with clothes to a child I support in Mozambique so my daughter can also learn that we should receive with grace and give with grace at the same time.

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Readers Comments

Spoonerism wrote: Yay, that's a great idea bluebell! I wonder if you could involve the children a little more by explaining what you are doing one year.

You could get your daughter to help pick say three beneficiaries, then take ten minutes to explain to the kids who come to the party what you are doing. Then you can get a show of hands for each charity/beneficiary and donate accordingly. That way the kids could become active participants in your lovely idea! Love from london!
crosby2126 wrote: I love this idea! Do you let your guests know what you did in place of the party bags? My son did something similar with his Wedding favors, he gave seeds to Africa through World Vision. Our guests really loved to be apart of this mission. Thank you for sharing your idea, I will pass it on...
unknown wrote: Recycling a fancy to a sustainable idea is innovation and thanks for exposing your daughter to this brilliance ... Now 15 others will celebrate on the other side of the planet ... in kind remembrance of you and your family. Party time ! :):)

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