Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kindness Lesson For The Girls On The Way To The Store

--by smilingdaisy, posted May 31, 2011

There is a man who always stands out on different corners of our city, holding a sign that reads "Will work for food for my family."  Normally I don't have much extra to help him too much.  Many times my mom is with me and she makes me pull over and she will hand him some money.  

Tonight, I was on my way to the store to get milk when I saw the man.  My daughter and her friend in the car.  We all felt so awful that this man was standing out in the cold, wet weather.  Many people make comments that he should be able to work.  I often wondered why he would stand out there rather than be in the warmth of a building to work.  

Well, he may not have an address, and you need an address in order to apply for a job.  Either way, I don't feel it is my place to judge.  As I was sharing that feeling with my daughter and her friend,  I decided that I needed to help this man.  For one I wanted to show the girls the importance of helping others with God's love, and not worrying whether they were legitmately struggling or not.  I figure that if he is standing out on different corners all day and night, no matter what the weather, then he deserves the help.  Not to mention that he is a fellow human and that is the main concern.

So, when we pulled over to give him some money, I said, 'God Bless you,' and he said it back to us.  Then the girls and I were still concerned he would be cold, standing out in this bad weather.  So we got him a hot chocolate and a hamburger.  My daughter handed to him and I told him that she wanted to get him a hot chocolate because she was worried about him being cold.  He was so sweet and very appreciative.

All of us left with smiles, especially me!  Because, as we were pulling away, the girls were conspiring about ways they could raise money to help him and others like him.  It was the best trip I have ever made to get milk!!!  

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Here is a little update I posted a few days later.



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Readers Comments

Bluebellgirl wrote: This is so wonderful for you to do this, its a wonderful example for the girls, cuz know they want to do kind deeds too. its very imperitive to teach kindness at a young age, and ur doing a good job <3 Keep it up. All of you's. Oneness/God/Krishna is smiling upon you all =)
warmly, flowerpower
unknown wrote: Your deep concern moved you all to action ... I am glad to see the man appreciate your help and most importantly seek too ... but not in harmful ways ... May he find a way ... :):)
medasst wrote: People like you are truly god-like. He wants us to love one another no matter what.
Bluebell wrote: You are wasome, thank you for your loving kindness. Have a fantastic week. Love, light and endless blessings, bluebell

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