Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Jamie's Story

--by ecoenergygirl, posted Jun 2, 2011

For years I was a reporter, with five of those years covering an affluent community.  Month after month of little girl beauty contests, conservative politics and people calling for the extermination of prairie dogs wore on my soul.

Then I wrote "Becoming Jamie" the story of a seven year old girl, born a boy, but aware of her own transgender status. I veiled the family, for their safety.  The photographer created an image that illustrated the girl's journey thus far to herself. We ran the story. I went back to the grind of the daily story, the details of government and sustainable business, and the thousand other stories swirling through a community.

Then I got an email that I had won a prize with the press association. I had enetered only one story. I knew it was "Becoming Jamie." I called the family, to tell them the story was up for an award, and to let them know the story could resurface. "Jamie's" mom laughed and said, "let me tell you a story."

The week after "Jamie's" article ran, a woman knocked on the front door. She stood there, in tears, and said she had been part of the group that wanted to keep "Jamie" out of public school.

"I had no idea what your life was like until I read the aticle. Can you ever forgive me?" She promised to talk to her church group, and her friends about what they had done to the girl and the family.

Both "Jamie's mom" and I were crying by the end of her tale. A single news article changed one woman's outlook on transgendered people. Talking directly to the mother changed "Jamie's mom's" point of view about her conservative neighbors. I was blessed to be the channel for "Jamie's" voice.

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: So lovely ... I guess the second part is the fitting finale of this courageous story ecoenergygirl.
unknown wrote: Great work, this must be empowering to all of you right ... Thanks much for sharing :):) God bless you.
kathielee wrote: What an amazing story-a child who knows at such a young age that somethng isn't right and who knows how many people dismissed that child's feelings and fed into marginazion-god bless all of you!
sajha wrote: Good for you! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

oldgirl wrote: What a brave person "jamie" is and so are the family who bared their souls to have the story told. It was good to know that your story changed at least one person's perception of jamie.

Congratulations ecoenergygirl.
sysgram wrote: Thanks for telling the story originally and now sharing it with us. We need more journalists like you out there.
ecoenergygirl wrote: Sadly, my impulse to find what editors called "freak" stories (so offensive). Led to termination.

What we need are braver editorial teams who won't bow to outside pressure.
keepsmilin wrote: You're so brave! I wish i could be like you someday. :) may god keep u smiling forever!
Dedicated wrote: The story tells us what we hold on.

Tomorrow,i'll try my best to do university entrance examination well.

watsonsfancy wrote: You never know how far the reprocussions of your actions will travel. As you have shown, make each one count!

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