Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bringing Spring Early

--by Aurelia, posted Jun 3, 2011

I had a lovely surprise yesterday. It was snowing like crazy outside when my doorbell rang. There standing in my doorway was a delivery man with a beautiful bouquet of lilies for me.

And this is why I received them...

I was telling a close friend of mine how much I was wishing for Spring and how I loved spring flowers. It happens to be my mom's birthday on the first day of spring.. she passed away in 2007, but I always got her daffodils or some type of pretty spring flowers for her birthday.

My friend knew I needed some cheer and I am delighted. They are so pretty and smell wonderful. Flowers - what a perfect way to make someone Smile! :)

Thank You my Friend :0) I'm Smiling each day looking at them.



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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Great to see you smile wider ... You deserve it and thanks to your friend :):)
Bluebell wrote: Flowers are always a mystery for me, I can't stop to be amazed how from an "ugly" round seed comes the most delicate and beautiful creation of God. Love and Light and a Million of flowers, Bluebell
alraisi wrote: You're a wonderful person and you deserve it. You never know what God has planned for everyone. I'm sure you enjoy the flowers very much. Keep Smiling :)

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