Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mission Impossible

--by John Paul, posted Jun 23, 2006
My mission is to step way out of my comfort zone in serving the needy and not the greedy. I do hot dogs for 5 cents in front of my used tire co. just to meet people, hear stories and pass out free bibles, I hand them a one page story explaining "Why" hot dogs while they wait.

I am in the process of building a "Mission Possible" team to go into the many fields of the needy.
1662 Reads

Readers Comments

Ren wrote: Im curious to find out what the "why" story is. Bless you for doing this great work for the Lord!
John Paul wrote: send me your fax #, I would be happy to send you a copy.
John Paul
Lilli wrote: Your kindness reminded me of our church mission to the homeless, the most blessed days of my life. Keep up the good work, you will be rewarded here or hereafter (smile)
Lena wrote: I came upon your story and I think it was very thoughtful and I wanted to let you know that I will pray for the sucess of "Mission Possible" and I will also like to know the Why hotdogs but I do not have a fax# is there any other way to find out?
God Bless
John Paul wrote: My phone # is 401 447-3405, and I would be happy to send you my story of "Why" hot dogs!!!!!!!!!!!
John Paul
Aunt Granny wrote: John Paul,

I would really like to know "Why hot dogs". May I call you? Also, do you take donations to assist with your Mission Possible? Thanks. Aunt Granny

Jennifer wrote: I would like a copy of "Why Hot Dogs" also. My fax is 415-962-0742. Thank you for sharing.

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