Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sometimes One Act of Kindness Goes A Long Way

--by dgrav, posted Jun 21, 2011

My husband works for a company that provides 24/7 care and housing for people with mental, physical and developmental disabilities.  Here in Arizona, brutal budget cuts have slashed funds for those most in need.  My husband loves his job and knows he is serving an important purpose, but sometimes the cuts affect morale. 

I decided to start sending a basket of goodies to work with my husband every Wednesday, which is the day that all staff members come in to pick up their checks.  I figured it might give them a little extra reason to smile.  On the first Wednesday, I sent these delicious maple leaf cookies I found that are made Canada.  I wrapped them individually in cellophane (because there are lots of employees and I wanted everyone to get at little something).  When my husband arrived home from work, he brought me the following note from one of his coworkers:

"Sometimes one act of kindess goes a long way! Thank you for the cookies! We provide services to a young lady battling lung cancer.  She has not been eating much and her only hope is to be well enough to go back to Canada this July.  She took 3 cookies, ate one right away and tucked the other 2 in her purse.  Those cookies made her week!  God bless ya!"

I think now more than ever, when times are so tough for so many, even the smallest acts of kindness are received with so much appreciation.  So if you ever think that any act is too small, think again.  That is what I've learned!  Even a ripple can grow strong enough to become a wave.

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Readers Comments

Davinci PHARAOH wrote: You don't need a college degree to do a kind deed - it is indeed nice and a privelege to help - it make the giver and the reciptient so much better people.
vitus wrote: The story is very interesting and touching. I come to know that helping others can make us grow within ourselves to become better person.

There are people in our society that needs help.

Thank you for the wonderful story.
sethi wrote: Thank you for sharing. You are a noble soul.
tiggerzzz wrote: What an inspiring story. I was a hospice nurse for over 20 years and i know how hard times can be for both the provider and the family. Bringing joy to her really helps in a positive way and you made it possible with a cookie. God bless you and keep up the great work.
textyourdreams wrote: I loved your story. What i also learned was the design of your cookies was a leaf. A leaf allows a tree to give shade to all of those who pass nearby. On any hot day a good shade tree makes the breeze feel very welcoming. You brought shade to many more people than you thought. Just a cookie leaf? Nah, you gave an act of kindness that inspires us all and the leaves you brought gave us a nice place to rest. Kindness.
Hines wrote: Wonedrful explanation of facts available here.
Joy wrote: Thanks for sharing your story. It just shows how much kindness can effect others. Many blessings to you
dgrav wrote: I would, with love, suggest that the discussion board participant find a local nursing home, care center or other service oriented business and bless them with a random act of kindness, such as providing treats on payday. This way, the act of kindness gets paid forward and affects a whole new set of recipients. Perhaps then, that is how the ripple will grow to a wave. :) god bless!
Darren G. wrote: Dgrav - i shared this story on my church's discussion board and one of the participants wnts to send cookies. If there is a way for them to do this, please contact me. Thanks! Darrengoble@hotmail. Com
Rocking wrote: Thank you for all the letters. I may feel kind of down at times. I now know that if i go to--helpothers. Org--i will always read something--usually many somethings--that will lift my spirits back up and i want to do something for someone somewhere somehow. When i think of others instead of focusing on myself and poor me, i am immediately on a higher level.

Love you,

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