Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Creative Coupon Kindness

--by kitsi, posted Jun 17, 2011

I've always disliked throwing away the coupons that I will never use (diapers, baby wipes etc.). To me, it feels a little like throwing away money. So I decided to take those coupons to the store with me yesterday along with my wrist tape dispenser.  I would tape the coupons I wasn't using to the product in hopes that someone could use it and I wouldn't have to throw them in the trash.  

I got to the diaper aisle and taped a wipe and diaper coupon to the diaper box.  As I moved my way down the diaper aisle, I noticed a mother with her young son putting the exact wipes in her cart.  Then I watched her put the exact diapers in her cart as well.  I walked over and took the taped coupon off the other box and handed it to her along with another diaper coupon that I hadn't yet taped.  She was so surprised and happy since she had left her coupons at home that day. 

One of my coupons was $5 off a Swiffer system.  I could only image the face of the person that found that one taped to their new purchase !! 

So, from now on, I am going to be the coupon fairy and share what I get with others.  

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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: What a wonderful idea, and very kind! I might have to try this myself :) Good work! -G.
innerjourney wrote: Cool idea. The mom and son should have been really happy. Love and smiles, Manish :)
Bluebell wrote: Great idea in challenging times like this it is always a blessing to share, to give and to receive, even if in for of coupons. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great and I'm sure very appreciated!
unknown wrote: Coupon fairy ... Wow, that's a beautiful name for you Kitsi ... Very efficient idea ! Please go for it (-: :-) Deeper ...
moral12 wrote: Every little bit helps. Congratulations to you for doing your part in making the world a nicer place! I'm sure all the folks who used the coupons were happy.
annjav wrote: That is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
wooka85257 wrote: I've always left my leftover coupons at the store, but never went there with the intention of leaving coupons taped to the item! What a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing it!
Box_of_Kindness wrote: This is such a wonderful and creative idea! People will be so surprised and feel so fortunate when they find these coupons. It's amazing that such little effort can make a big difference in someone's day. Keep on giving!

Www. Boxofkindness. Com

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