Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A New Family I Never Expected

--by Sajha, posted Jun 23, 2011

18 years ago I discovered I was unexpectedly pregnant, I was on my own and in an extremely limited financial situation. I worked at a pet shop, a job I loved, but cleaning cages with unrelenting nausea was pretty awful to deal with. Having little money, and unable to keep anything down, I started losing weight instead of gaining it.

There was a neighbor woman I had visited with a couple of times, and to my surprise, she started working at the pet shop too. Everyday, for lunch, she would produce large, organic salads and other very healthy meals. To my surprise she insisted that I have some of her lunch. I tried to refuse, but she was determined. Puzzled, I managed to eat, and when I admitted to everyone at work that I was pregnant, she was very excited, and kept on feeding me, despite the fact that I couldn't hold it down for very long.

She had a medical background, and was a lay midwife, and told me that the body very efficiently directed the nutrition to my developing baby, even if the meal didn't stay put for long. All through my pregnancy she was a guardian angel, looking after me, she and her husband keeping me supplied with fresh produce. We became very close friends, and she and her husband even attended my daughter's birth, with her as my coach. They ended up taking us into their home and we became part of their family.

One day I mentioned how much I appreciated how she had shared her lunch with me when we worked at the pet shop. She smiled a secretive smile, and when I asked her about it, she told me that another friend had noticed that my refrigerator was shockingly empty back then, and she reported the fact to my soon to be guardian angel! She told me she prayed about it and felt led to get a job where I worked so that she could look after me without me knowing why she was there. "I just knew you were part of our family!" she said. I was stunned and amazed as I considered this new information. Here I had been alone and pregnant and poor, only to be taken under wing by this woman.

This is, to me, just another of the endless miracles that have lifted me up through my life. In reality I was never alone. 

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Readers Comments

pray4peace wrote: The woman was so great, this is so inspiring. I feel so small and limited with the little I have given to the world. So much more is possible.
Many blessings to her and to you.
She indeed was your angel.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
lina wrote: Pass it on!

AnnieJ wrote: This is one of my favorite stories! Warms my heart every time. Thanks for sharing!
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a wonderful story of love and kindness for others.
Seda wrote: Sometimes kindness has simple beginnig. I think kindness always has great effects on us. She is really an angel. I pray for her and i hope she will get her health. Amen
AnnieJ wrote: What an angel! Wow! I'm speechless.
RMB333 wrote: I am sorry, but the above comment was from me - before becoming a member of this precious org. Still, i send the same comments. Thank you.
AIGBUWA FRED wrote: I showing kindness,because jesus have shown me allot of it
sajha wrote: I'm so excited and happy about the inspiration my story has brought to people. Now i ask that everyone reading this will send prayers, loving, healing thoughts for my dear sister/friend who took me in all those years ago. She is quite ill and her liver is failing. Strangely, she and i both have lupus and have supported one another through the years. But for now, please pray for my angel. I'll just refer to her as "m". Love to all of you and thank you for your kind words and your prayers. Love saj
textyourdreams wrote: Qthanks for your story because what it does is too give us reason to be a "guardian angel", to those that need it. It will cause me to ponder to find the person to take under my wing. Wow! That lady you met is having a tremendous impact.

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