Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Learning From A Co-Workers Compassion To A Plant

--by hasifa, posted Jun 23, 2011

I have a plant that sits on my desk.  Yesterday, the two ladies that clean the office came in right before I was leaving and looked at me with with angry eyes. They do not speak English and I do not speak Spanish, but I practice with them every chance that I get so I’m getting a lot better at understanding and communicating with them. With the plant in her hands, she looked at me and asked me why I had not watered the plant since it was wilting. Ironically, I was holding a bottle of drinking water in my hand taking a sip as she was saying that. S

he said a few words in Spanish that completely flew over my head so I asked the other lady to translate. She said, “You drink water all the time but you neglect to water the plant! She left the office with the plant to water it as I headed home. This morning when I got to work, I noticed that the plant was not on my desk any more, instead, there was a plastic plant. I went to see her and asked her for my plant back and she said “NO, MINE NOW”. I was dumbfounded when she said thisShe said, “No you cannot have the plant back because you let it die. You did not take care of it so you can’t have it back”.

I took a few seconds to meditate on what she had said and it put a big smile on my face. I was moved to see that she cared that much about a plant, I thought wow, how compassionate of her. At that moment I was speechless; I looked at her, said “Yes ma-am”, and walked away. I miss my plant now but I feel better knowing it’s being taken care of.

I learned from this situation that compassion goes beyond being compassionate to each other, but rather to all things that have life.    

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Readers Comments

trueblue wrote: What a lesson-and how lovely of you to be as understanding as you were - lovely acts of caring
trueblue wrote: What a lesson-and how lovely of you to be as understanding as you were - lovely acts of caring
RMB wrote: Oh! What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l story! We have to care and nurture plant life in the same manner that we do for our lives. Remember all animal lives too! We have to spread loving kindness all round. Then you will see the difference within and around you! Thank you for sharing your story and hats off for both of you! Well one & keep it up!
Anne1352 wrote: I embrace you! Your reaction to this caring little lady that took your plant was wonderful, you were both kind and caring to her and the plant!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I think there are a few great lessons here so thanks for sharing!
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for the lovely story. Love and Light and Endless Blessings for both of You.
unknown wrote: Hafisa, a moment experienced by all of us ... right ... but what is so striking are the 2 pointers ...

1. the lady stood up for the plant, letting us know she cared ... as you rightly pointed out ...
2. she could have left nothing, but left a plastic plant ... but you took her sanction positively, overlooked that part and agreed to look at your mistake ... and learnt a lesson ...

I appreciate how you, the lady and the plant were put together to benefit ... Isn't that beautiful ... I haven't fed my lil plant and that must be my red alert to be caring ... Thank you for your courage in sharing Hasifa ...

You look much bigger before my eye ... God bless (-: :-) Deeper.
unknown wrote: Hafisa, a moment experienced by all of us ... right ... but what is so striking are the 2 pointers ...

1. the lady stood up for the plant, letting us know she cared ... as you rightly pointed out ...
2. she could have left nothing, but left a plastic plant ... but you took her sanction positively, overlooked that part and agreed to look at your mistake ... and learnt a lesson ...

I appreciate how you, the lady and the plant were put together to benefit ... Isn't that beautiful ... I haven't fed my lil plant and that must be my red alert to be caring ... Thank you for your courage in sharing Hasifa ...

You look much bigger before my eye ... God bless (-: :-) Deeper.
unknown wrote: Hafisa, a moment experienced by all of us ... right ... but what is so striking are the 2 pointers ...

1. the lady stood up for the plant, letting us know she cared ... as you rightly pointed out ...
2. she could have left nothing, but left a plastic plant ... but you took her sanction positively, overlooked that part and agreed to look at your mistake ... and learnt a lesson ...

I appreciate how you, the lady and the plant were put together to benefit ... Isn't that beautiful ... I haven't fed my lil plant and that must be my red alert to be caring ... Thank you for your courage in sharing Hasifa ...

You look much bigger before my eye ... God bless (-: :-) Deeper.
unknown wrote: Hafisa, a moment experienced by all of us ... right ... but what is so striking are the 2 pointers ...

1. the lady stood up for the plant, letting us know she cared ... as you rightly pointed out ...
2. she could have left nothing, but left a plastic plant ... but you took her sanction positively, overlooked that part and agreed to look at your mistake ... and learnt a lesson ...

I appreciate how you, the lady and the plant were put together to benefit ... Isn't that beautiful ... I haven't fed my lil plant and that must be my red alert to be caring ... Thank you for your courage in sharing Hasifa ...

You look much bigger before my eye ... God bless (-: :-) Deeper.

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