Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude For Our Children's Kindness

--by smilingdaisy, posted Jun 28, 2011

I recently posted a story about a local man in a difficult situation, and how his plight had inspired my children to help.  I posted a follow on story about how my children started a fundraiser (making angels) to help out a local man and his family. The man is out in  all kinds of weather, holding a sign that reads, "Will work for food for family."  We don't see stuff like that in our area much and he touched my children's hearts and they raised $100.00 for this family.  This story is the final instalment.

Yesterday my husband and I took the kids to give the man the money they had raised for him.  My husband called him over to the car, and I got out to explain who we were and tell him about the fundraiser.  He was very soft spoken, rather young, and extremely respectful.  We talked about how hard times are right now, about our children, and just about life.  I didn't want to treat him differently than any other human I would greet in public.

He told me that he had 3 children, and they did have shelter.  I was relieved to hear that.  When I told him that our children's hearts were touched by him standing out in every kind of weather, and they raised a $100 for him,  he stepped back suddnely - like I pushed him. He was in such a shock, as the tears swelled in his eyes,  he said, "OH MY GOSH!  THANKS SO MUCH!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!"  It was such an emotional moment for all of us, and a wonderful learning experience for our children!  

God Bless Everett and his family! 

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Wow, kudos to your family for rising to the occasion ... Your children have shown enormous mettle and immense thanks to you both in encouraging your children and helping Everett and his family ... God bless you all benevolently, Deeper (-: :-) ...
Glowworm wrote: Aww, that's a wonderful thing you and your family did :) I like hearing true stories like this, where kindness is done and no judgement is passed. God bless all involved! -G.
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for sharing, you have a beautiful family. Love and Light, Bluebell
Aurelia wrote: This is such a touching story. Your children are beautiful for doing this. And you and your husband are great parents for being an example for them! Everett is truly blessed and I will pray for better days for him and his family.
Hugs your Kids from Aurelia and all give them a High Five...they've done a good thing! :)
~Aurelia :0)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! Not only what your family did for him but for the wonderful lessons you instill in the children. May you all be Blessed abundantly! :)
Sajha wrote: Wonderful! Blessings on you, your children and the man and his family.
unknown wrote: In showing your children what it means to do random acts of kindness, you have given them a lifetime of pleasure in helping others. You gave the man the money and your kindness, but what you gave your children was priceless.
cabbage wrote: Big hugs to your family! Thank you for being angels.
mama5 wrote: Angles among us
Impetuous wrote: A very sweet story£¬i like it very well,thank you for sharing.

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