Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Four Special Sentences For My Grandson

--by jab15, posted Jun 25, 2011

My now 7 year old grandson, who lives 100 miles away, has had my mobile phone number memorized since he was 4.  Since then, he has called me every night before he goes to bed to tell me about his day or just to say "Good Night Gramma". 

He also frequently calls me at other times during the day just to share a happy or sad moment.  Many times he's dribbling a basketball with one hand, or laughing with a friend about something that I never quite catch on about, or crying about something he may or may not want to talk about while I'm on the other end of the phone.  I just listen and empathize or laugh with him - just share his current emotion.  I always let him be in charge of the subject, the emotion, and  the amount of time he's on the phone with me.  Many times I just listen to him play (or watch him on Skype), listen while he does his homework aloud, or play games we've made up together that we can play over the phone.

The only time I take control of the conversation is when he's ready to say good bye at night.  Then I have 4 special sentences I say to him every night.  One night I thought maybe he was tired of hearing those so didn't say them.  He immediately called me back and told me that I forgot to say those sentences!  I haven't missed saying them since then!

My friends all know that he takes precedence over all other things.  Unless I'm at a Doctor's appointment, in church, or some place where I really can't take his call, I always politely excuse myself and talk to him, even if it's just for a minute to tell him I'll call him back in a few minutes.

He knows that he takes first place in my heart.

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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: You sound like a wonderful grandmother. God bless you :) -G.
dgrav wrote: I don't have grandchildren yet, but your story touched my heart and I could totally relate to the dedication and love you have for your grandson. Children do need us. They need to know that they are worthwhile, that someone loves them beyond words. My son is 15 years old, but he will still put his arm around me in the mall and in our home we say "I love you," throughout the day. If more children knew they were loved, I truly feel that the world and all its ailments could be healed in record time. God bless you.
unknown wrote: Jab15, at the end, you wrote a line which is very powerful ... It doesn't matter if your grandson doesn't have his mother's attention ... You slid that role effortlessly and God has made this love possible between you and your grandson ... Please continue to say your statements for I am sure he will continue to his children and generations to follow ... We never know what our legacy is until our next generation seem to internalize it ... Cute right (-: :-) God bless you Jab15, Deeper ...
Kittymom wrote: I was so moved by your story about your grandson. My father wasn't present in my life growing up but my two uncles gave me special attention. I remember every act of love and kindness they gave me. What you do for your grandson, and what my uncles did for me, really matters.
LeeFae wrote: That's so wonderful. Every child needs at least on adult in their life to listen and share with and it sounds like you are doing a great job at being that person! Love to you and yuour grandson xx
Sajha wrote: So true. I wish I'd had a grama like that. He will never forget your love.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome. I love how you let him be in control of the conversation. Bless you for your patience and for caring. It is the kind of thing that will stick with him for all his life! :)
unknown wrote: what a wonderful idea! I am a new grandma and my little granddaughter is still very young (2), but as she gets older, I am going to suggest something like that (and help pay for it), because like your grandson, my granddaughter has the love and devotion of her father, but not her mother. I would love to be that connection for her. Thank you for sharing such a great story. Grandchildren (and all children) are precious.
Aurelia wrote: This story warms my heart. Your grandson most definitely sounds like a sweetheart and you are an awesome Grandma!!! It is really precious that he loves to talk to you all the time like that. You are certainly giving him the unconditional love that every child needs. :)
God Bless...thanks for Sharing with us.
~Smile :0) Aurelia
oldgirl wrote: It is so sad when children do not get the love and attention froim boith their parents.
I am so pleased to read that you have a great connection with your grandson jab15. He obviously treasures the relationship as well.
You are both blessed to share what you do.

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