Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping a Little Girl on the Street

--by rainbowSmiles, posted Aug 19, 2011

Her facial deformities make her look scary. She is around eight or nine years old and she begs for living.
The first time I saw her I got a fright and almost squealed. A few times after than I handed over some coins. Later, I felt annoyed with her and her parents for scaring others to get money. Eventually I thought of giving some more money or talking to her but I was worried she might become a nuisance, so I didn't. I told myself she probably wouldn't understand my language, but that was just an excuse and I felt bad about it.
Today, when I saw her sitting on the footpath counting coins, I thought she would come to my car and beg but she didn’t. I started walking home from my car but then thought maybe I could do some good here if I could overcome my inhibitions, discomfort and selfishness.
I turned towards her and asked her if she would like some dinner. Her response was an immediate, happy, “Yes!" She understood my language, and spoke it too! Oh, she was really just a child like any other I thought.
I asked her to walk with me to the shops where food was prepared. She trusted me so easily.
I asked her to be careful while crossing the road and stopped her once or twice. She seemed to like it, as if it was a novelty being cared for in this way. She hesitated outside the shop and said, "No I won't go in and sit. I will take my food and go." I understood the problem; her disease, her torn clothes and beggar status made it difficult for her. I agreed to spare her the embarrassment.
She stood behind me at the shop, shy, uncomfortable and probably afraid of being insulted. It makes me cry when I think about it now. How narrow-minded and cruel our society is. For having a skin disease, which anyone could develop, a small child was being cruelly punished.
"Where is your mother?" I asked.
"No mother," was the reply. "No father either."                                        
"Who do you live with?"
"Didi Ma," she answered.
In spite of this Didi Ma being in her life the girl still begged. But she seemed excited to talk about her and wanted to take her some food. I had to tell myself I didn't know anything about their situation and shouldn't judge.
I ordered some food and noticed that the waiters and others were a little shocked to see me talking to her and getting her food.
I asked about her disease. She became uncomfortable and did not look up for some time.
"Does it hurt?" I mis-heard her reply and said, “Oh, so it doesn’t hurt?"
"No," she replied. "It does hurt! It does hurt!"
"Were you born with it?"
"No," she said. "It came up later."
I felt we were making a connection. The little one answered me, respected me, and I could feel her pain and difficulties.
The food was ready and given with some measure of warmth and respect by the waiters. I gave it to the girl and asked her to go straight to her "Did Ma." She agreed. I gave her a little touch and she went on her way happily.
I started walking home, feeling overwhelmed and blessed. I was in a state of peace and deep satisfaction. The last few minutes had made me feel more needed and more worthy of the gift of life. I realised how important it was that I took the first step and talked to the girl. It was so important that she, like everyone else, should be treated as a part of human society and given a few moments of kindness.
What a life! So much suffering. And to think I sometimes complain! Being on the street, having a painful disease and being treated as an outcast, what greater burdens could we pile on such small shoulders? My eyes filled with tears. How could I have avoid and ignored her all this time?
She is a child. She needs care, treatment, clothes and schooling, I thought. So, I have written to a doctor and another friend who helps children to see if they can help. I also have a plan to take care of a few of her immediate needs.
Thank God, I stepped out from behind my own fears and did something. Had I not been a visitor to this web-site it might never have happened. I am grateful to all CFers for teaching me to think and react in thoughtful and kind ways. This has led me to experience some overwhelming deep, profound moments. Thank you all!


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Readers Comments

Jaelyn wrote: I never thgouht i would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
RMB333 wrote: What a BEAUTIFUL story! Makes my heart cry and smile at the same time! YOU are such a caring & a wonderful person - thank you for being YOU! Immense and Untold Blessings will MOST certainly follow YOU!
Tropic wrote: It's people like you that make this world so, so beautiful. Thank you :). I really hope that little girl gets the care she deserves.
Meg...:) wrote: Wow. Your so amazing. That was so great what you did. <3 it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing that. You truly have a great heart.
Rajiv wrote: I am very thankful to you for sharing this. I am happy to understand your great pleasure and peace in your heart when you help to that little girl. I will pray to christ for her goodness. I love this work and i also want to have such kinds of helping chance for others in gifted life by christ.
Celia Hubball wrote: Godbless you richly, you are a wonderful example to all of us! May we all learn a humble lesson from your story. A million thank yous for sharingxxxx
hasifa wrote: I was once one of those children. This story brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for what you did for that little girl. She will never forget you and neither will i. Be blessed.
the3jewels wrote: Absolutely fantastic, you must have felt so good after this beautiful touch of human kindness, david
mario alberto luna wrote: The lord jesus didnt have anyother heart but yours for that little girl. A million blessings for you. I am making a phone call right now to someone in need.
forchance wrote: I don't know what else to say but thank you for being a leader and hope that others will follow in such a great path. Please keep us updated on her.

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