Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Perfect Dresses For Prom Princesses

--by tat2dprincess, posted Jul 10, 2011


With two girls graduating from school this year, I was very stressed about the Prom!  This senior year ball can easily be the most expensive event of their school lives.
Anticipating the event I started looking around goodwill shops. Every time I saw a dress that might do for a Prom, at a reasonable price, I bought it!
Both girls have their dresses picked out now, but I still had extra dresses! :) So I called the school counselor and asked if she knew any young ladies who might need a dress.  She said there were a few. So, I donated the six dresses I had left over and she promised to take it from there.
I will not be able to see the reaction of people who are the recipients of my kindness - but I kinda like that way!
Can you imagine the joy on a young woman's face as she tries on the perfect dress and realizes that, despite her lack of finances, she will look beautiful at her Prom?
And I get to be responsible for six of those moments!


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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Thank you for your lovely idea. I am sure that you going to mak e 6 young ladies very, very happy. Love and Light, Bleubell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: How kind of you! I am sure you helped make it special for some who really needed the help. Your post made me smile! :)
unknown wrote: You made 6 Cinderalla's overnight ! You must be the secret Godmother ... That's my compliment for you ... Warm wishes, Deeper (-: :-) ...
tat2dprincess wrote: My daughters said an email was sent through the school-based email and an announcement was made over the intercom. I just really hope they get to someone that REALLY needs them.
Sajha wrote: You saved the day for several young ladies, I'm sure! I love the way Deeper put it! I remember the humiliation of being in a high school singing contest without an appropriate outfit. I lost, despite my choir teacher telling me I had the best voice in the school. When my friend, who had MCed the evening, asked the judges why they hadn't voted for me, they said, "We felt she didn't deserve it because she made no effort to dress up like the other kids." Unlike you, they never entertained the idea that maybe I had no way of obtaining formal wear.
Anyway, bless your heart. They will always have that memory.
Gilgenbach wrote: Everyone wants to look beautiful at prom, and you made it possible. However, the most beauty i see here is found in your kindness. God bless you. I hope the girls who received the dresses had a blast. I believe that there's an extra blessing in not knowing the results of your kindness.

Keep smiling!
Box of Kindness wrote: They say prom is the most important event in a young girls life. 6 girls will feel beautiful that day because of you. I am sure your kindness is appreciated by those girls and those who read this post.
moral12 wrote: That was a very nice gesture of yours; you not only helped the recycling economy (the thrift store), but, also helped some young ladies feel good going to the prom, i'm sure. Way to go!

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