Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Customer's Gift To An Employee

--by jaybird, posted Jul 26, 2011

My husband and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store where we often get gasoline. I don't think people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have sometimes. They work for a little over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet.

One of the clerks, "Charlie," was missing her glasses one day. I commented on it and she said they'd been broken and that she couldn't afford a new pair. It was obvious that she was having a difficult time.

We wondered how we could help, so turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan. We had his secretary contact her, asking her to come in for an eye exam free of charge.  We told the doctor to let her order whatever glasses she wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told her that someone had anonymously donated the money for her new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!!

It was so wonderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and she enjoyed telling all the regular customers how it came about. I'm sure that upon hearing her story, ideas of kindness may have sprouted in the minds of many. She will never know who the gift was from and I hope the idea that good guys really do get a break sometimes was planted for her. 

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Readers Comments

Bluereaux wrote: Your story is an example of what brings me the most joy in my own life. Giving or doing something anonymously is such a great opportunity for all. Thank you for helping this person, now she will share this act of kindness and tell this story to all that will listen.
moral12 wrote: This was so very, very kind and considerate of you and your husband to do this for this lady. What good people you are; i know she must have appreciated this more than she could say. Kudos to you.
pgwingo wrote: I love your story. I know how important it is to have your glasses. Bless you!
JeanieMarie wrote: What a bright spot in my day to read your wonderful story. I'm sure you too will be blessed for your kindness.
Karen wrote: What a terrific story. I especially liked how you remained anonymous - truly an act of random kindness! Good for you!
Box of Kindness wrote: That was such a great random act of kindness. It is great you took it upon yourself to bless the employee with such a considerate gift.
wurongcan wrote: Good job! Charlie must be very happy to be helped~and the doctor is great,too!
L-e wrote: So wonderful to hear, you helping someone that you know, that is a part of your life and that truly deserved and needed your help. I would much rather help and donate in my immediate community and know i made a difference
erinvictoria wrote: That is an awesome act of kindness. I'm so happy you did that for her.
Divakar wrote: Awesome :) honestly very nice :)
God bless

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