Stories of Kindness from Around the World

In Her Time Of Greatest Need

--by gadgets, posted Aug 4, 2011


I used to work in a hospital as a Pharmacy Technician. As part of our duties we would make rounds of all the nursing stations to pick up orders deliver medication, etc. 
On one of my rounds I met an elderly lady. She was sitting outside a room crying. People walked past and saw her crying but nobody offered to help. I stopped and asked if she was okay. She said her husband was in the room - dying.  
I asked if I could call anyone or do anything for her but she said she didn't have any family near-by and they never had any kids. So, I just sat there a while, holding her hand and listening to her. 
This went on for weeks, me listening and hugging, and her waiting and crying. 
Well one day on my rounds I saw her sitting there, not crying. So, I went to sit with her and I asked if everything was okay. She told me that her husband had died the night before. Surprised, I asked her why she was stll here. That's when she said, "I came back to say thank you. Thank you for sitting with me, listening to me and just being there, helping me through this."  
I hugged her and wished her well. 
I walked away with tears in my eyes and a heart bursting with joy because I had been able to help someone through her darkest days.  


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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Thank you for being an Angel and for being there for her. Endless Blessings to you and to her.
erinvictoria wrote: I'm speechless...that was the nicest thing you could have done. Bless You.
unknown wrote: Swami Vivekanandha once said, financial help is easy ... physical help is hard but emotional help is very tough ! This is what you have done ... Emotional help ... Anyone who has been able to deliver the toughest help ... ensures the other to carry on, move on and live their lives ... with self-reliance ... She will continue your spirit, I am sure ... Thank you Gadget ... God bless you immensely, Deeper ...
ecoenergygirl wrote: I can't add anything to Deeper's comment except to say YES!
Gadgets, keep shining!
db2xs wrote: Beautiful story. It touched my heart.
Willow wrote: Gagets, what a wonderful story. I can't add anything more profound to what deeper wrote, either, but i will add something. I thought of the all too many lonely people that might be in that same situation. Any of us, really. It brought tears to my eyes. It is people like you that do indeed make the world a better, less lonelyplace. Bless you. Willow
Karen wrote: Kudos to you! You should be proud of yourself. You are an inspiration to others.
moral12 wrote: It was a wonderful thing you did, just being there for her, a sympathetic ear to listen. Thank you for sharing your story.
stars24 wrote: What a great story! How important it is to listen and take time to be with someone in their time of need. Thank you!
Sherry wrote: You are a special person to do that for another human being; listening is a lost art; compassion is something you have or you do not. Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most important as you have just proved.

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