Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Mighty Effort For Might Max

--by Jacinda, posted Jul 31, 2011

After hearing about “Mighty” Max Low who is a 12-year-old boy with Leukemia I couldn’t help but get right in behind helping him and his family.  

Max has been fighting with Leukemia for half his life and his big wish is to receive a million get well cards. It is his dream!
The sixth-grader was diagnosed with leukemia in kindergarten. Instead of letting the ailment get him down, in 2004, he and a friend thought of a cool way to pass the time while bedridden - get people to write him get well cards. 
They set a goal of 1 million cards and while the word initially spread like wildfire the campaign began to peter out at the 24,000 card mark.
His story touched my heart and I longed to help him. I thought to myself, I can't just sit here. Let's set this wildfire off again and make his dream come true!
Firstly I sent him a card and then set up the event “Lets make “Mighty” Max Low’s dream come true!” on Facebook. See:!/event.php?eid=199234250097652
It already has 923 people attending at the time of writing this, over 10,000 people awaiting reply and over 400 people maybe attending.
The number of people attending just keeps going up and up so fast!
People from all over the world are getting in behind the event and sending cards just to help Max achieve his dream when he has been through so much!
For example Summit School District wrote on my event page that they have now sent him approx 500 cards. Then a relay for life somewhere else made and sent almost 700 cards to Max. How awesome is that? There are so many heart warming stories and comments of what people are trying to do to help Max achieve his goal.
It was very exciting the other day when I was contacted by a very close and long time family friend of Max and the family after she saw the event I set up. She told me that as of today he is undergoing a bone marrow transplant. The doctors back in late Jan had given the family bleak news as Max wasn't responding to the chemotherapy. At that time he didn't have a donor. Since then Max's dad has been re-tested and came back as 9 out of 10 match. His dad is now the donor.
During Easter weekend I will be a leader at an Easter Camp and all the leaders are running a creative workshop. Most of the leaders are doing things like painting, cooking, and different craft activities. But I’m running a creative card making workshop for Max. So everyone can make creative cards for Max which will be sent off to him.
The address for Max is:
“Mighty” Max Low
P.O. Box 111
Neola, Iowa 51559
It would be so awesome if any of you wanted to send Max a card to help him achieve his dream. Together we can help it become reality!
We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Love, prayers and smiles! 


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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Done. Loads of Love, Bluebell
zeeksmom wrote: I posted this on my facebook page, and sent an invite to all my friends. Two of them have already shared the link on their pages. I hope this helps.
unknown wrote: Great effort Jacinda ... I appreciate you gathering not just your heart but several others' too ... Go for it ... I will check and get his address ... You may post his address here too ... Someone else did this, if I am not wrong, but maybe it helps, just a suggestion ... Take care, wonderful, Deeper ...
zeeksmom wrote: I sent three to Max today: one from me, one from Zeek (my dog) and one in memory of a boy who lost his battle with cancer a while back... I've had several friends on facebook, some overseas, post on their wall as well.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Deal, thanks Jacinda! :)
wooka85257 wrote: Wrote him a card today, and even slipped a dollar in there, just for fun. Thanks for letting us know of max's dream.

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