Readers Comments
Rita wrote: Sending good intentions that way might somehow make the recipient feel extra good. Without him/her knowing why they feel that way.
moral12 wrote: Wow! What a way to learn a lesson! Thanks for sharing!
TonyS wrote: Great story about patience, and a lesson as to learn about why are we always in such a rush without anywhere to go!
Colleen wrote: I like your obervation that, even though it took more time and futher inconvenienced you, the gentleman was right to use the phone while parked and not on the road. I am sure your prayers and good intentions found their mark and the man and his wife were blessed. Thanks so much for sharing your story - i also need to learn to be more patient. Love to you.
Sne wrote: A beautiful story. That elderly couple benefitted far more from your genuine prayers than from anything else you could have done that day. Good example of perseverence in performing good works from the heart in light of our humanity.
Joy wrote: So great to see how you were able to shift that energy around. Sending positive energy is an act of kindness. Blessings to you!
enpai wrote: Six minutes is a drop in the ocean of eternity. Thanking you for reminding me of all the opportunities throughout the day to be patient with myself, too. A shift of energy and the healing occurs. Thank you and blessed be!
David wrote: What a great story and what a great way of getting rid of that negative karma!
joyfulwillow wrote: What a wonderful reminder to practice patience. We never know for sure what's really going on with someone else. I am so glad your lesson was learned without the pain of confrontation for either one of you. And so importantly, you saw that man as a teacher for you. Good job, wooka!
life wrote: Well done,it takes a lot to realise own mistake.