Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness: A Way of Living (Video)

--by NeilDillan, posted Aug 20, 2011

Two volunteer interns at HelpOthers, who are only high-school students, recently directed and starred in their own video about how to make kindness a part of our daily lives.  They undertook "step-it-up" acts of kindness as part of their weekly "homework" throughout the summer internship :) and have produced this video to share their inspiration with others!

Check out their inspiring video and leave a comment here to encourage them, and other young people like them, to create more ripples of kindness in the world! :)

7211 Reads

Readers Comments

Shweta Gupta wrote: It brough me a big smile. Excellent thought process. Keep up the great work.
Pragati wrote: Great work. Continue creating the ripple effect. People need the hope that the world is still a beautiful place to live.
Katharine wrote: Positive connection heightens all those feel good chemicals that your body loves! Help others and become more intelligent to save the race.
Uma wrote: You are an inspiration to all of us, god bless you both.
kyats wrote: If tat all the was like so,what beautiful place would it have been to live in ooh dear god, change the world!
rainbowSmiles wrote: You guys rock! Thank you.
hasifa wrote: An inspiration to us all. Dont stop!
Shelleanie wrote: Thanks for your kindness ~ you shine:)
Wendy wrote: Very cool video, guys. Best line -- was the "deaf can hear, the blind can see" phrase. That was awesome. Your message was sincere and heartfelt too. Keep up the good work!
sabrina wrote: Yes you guys are right! Every thing you do to help people, it means being kind. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.

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