Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Home Is Where The Heart Is - Even For The Homeless

--by kath1, posted Sep 9, 2011

About two weeks ago I saw a very sad, blue eyed, homeless man sitting outside my local coffee house. I said, "Hi. How are you doing today?" 

He seemed shocked that I was talking to him. "Not very well," he replied. He proceeded to tell me how he had been hit by a car while riding his bike. He had been in the hospital for a month and a rest home for another month. During that time the person that paid for his SSI checks died of a heart attack and his wallet was stolen with all his IDs. He had several checks waiting for him but had no ID and therefore no access to his money. 

I decided that if this was all true I'd like to help him get a copy of his birth certificate and social security card. I asked him to meet me at the Department of Vital Statistics at 11:00 on Monday and gave him the address on a piece of paper. 

When I arrived at 10:50 the next morning I didn't see him so I started filling out the paperwork. I explained to the receptionist, "I'm trying to help a homeless friend get his ID back." 

"Bob", she inquired? "Yes, Bob," I responded, surprised that she knew his name. "He was here at 9:30 and he just left," she said. "But he told us you were coming." 

I payed the fee and walked out with Bob's Birth Certificate. "God Bless you", one of the woman said with a smile. 

As I was driving home I saw Bob riding back on the old bike someone had given him. I pulled over and jumped out of my car shouting, "Bob! Bob! I got it!" He saw me and rode over. "I got it Bob! Look, here it is!" 

He got tears in his eyes  and told me I was his guardian angel. 

A few days later I needed him to meet me at the Social Security Office. It took me a half hour to get there by car and I was certain he would not be waiting for me when I arrived. It would be at least two hours by bike. But there he was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for me! 

We were in the Social Security Office for two hours. They discovered that Bob was listed in the system as "Deceased." "Dead?" he asked me with a stunned look on his face. "Yeah. You don't look too bad for a dead guy!" I chuckled. 

We got everything straightened out and by next week, he will receive his back pay which is a substantial sum. He would like to get a room, take a shower, go to the barber for a shave and haircut, get some clothes and a pair of shoes and a bike.

Yes, one person can make a difference in this world. And the interesting thing is that I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience, than Bob. I am deeply touched by Bob's sensitivity, his gratitude, his stories, his heart.

Home is Where the Heart is, even for the Homeless!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful thing for you to do. I agree, one person absolutely CAN make a difference! Bless you for contributing to kindness in the world! :)
Spoonerism wrote: I love this story! I don't know if I would have the first idea where to start to help someone get their ID back! But a little inspiration from you and some Googling and it might just be possible! You really made a difference and I'm sure Bob will hold that in his heart going forward and make a difference to someone else at some point in the future! :-) Thanks for sharing.
Bluxess wrote: Thank you so much for giving his life back ... It is a wonderful effort from your end to offer to a stranger ... but today you guys seem to pull it off together as good friends. That sounds so heart-warming ... Have an immensely blessed day, Bluxess.
moral12 wrote: Bless you for taking the time to help this unfortunate man. You ARE the angel in his life.
JENNZO66 wrote: What a wonderful thing you did! Too often we pass homeless people without even looking at them. We need to remember that they are human beings too. Thank you for reaching out and going above and beyond to help this man. Our world needs more people like you! :)
annjav wrote: And all because you asked how he was doing, and really listened to the answer! You're a Kindness Hero!
cabbage wrote: WOW--thank you so much for being his guardian angel! Much love and big hugs to you. Bless you for taking the time to help him sort it out.
geethanjali wrote: Wow!This is very inspiring! God Bless you!
heartofflesh wrote: You have given him hope more than anything else. I am sure his faith in humanity is restored by your actions.
Really a very touching story. Thanks for being YOU !
SassyPants wrote: Bless your heart! <3 I'm in tears, this has truely touched me and hit a soft spot for me. I work for a homeless shelter and there are soooo many cases where people come to us with mental illness and their had caretaker passed and totally become even the simplest task become a daunting chore. The police are the ones who usually bring them in to help but you went out of your way to help this man. Bless you, you are an inspiration to humanity :)

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