Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Chain of Generosity

--by oldgirl, posted Sep 10, 2011

On Saturday I witnessed a wonderful thing. We had taken an older couple into town and after they had done what they needed to do they asked if we could stop at McDonalds to get something to eat. It was no problem and we suggested they could eat it in the restaurant rather than in the car or taking it home.  

While we were there, we noticed a group of four boys aged 10-12, having lunch.  The boys stood well back from the counter and allowed other customers to go ahead and order while the boys discussed what they wanted. When they decided, they went to the counter to order telling the young girl serving they wanted the larger size, which they would share. The woman with them queried this and they told her it would be cheaper to do it that way rather than get individual orders.

These boys were not rowdy but laughing and joking and generally having fun.  When they got their order, they took the tray to the table, sat down and must have realised it was too much or more than they had ordered so they went back to the counter. They told the young lady serving that there was more than they had paid for and they wanted to know how much extra they owed.  She replied “There is no extra charge. It was a pleasure to serve polite considerate young people. It is compliments of the management. We hope you enjoy your meal.” The boys thanked her and with huge grins in their faces they tucked into their meal.

I spoke later to the woman with the boys as we know her from the supermarket where we shop. I said I didn’t realize she had children and congratulated her on their politeness and good behavior.  She laughed telling us they were not hers but these were from two families who lived either side of her home so she decided to give them a treat because they always said “hello” to her and when she had the flu a couple of weeks earlier the boys took her dogs for their daily walk.  She said she was going to get them a soft cone when they finished the meal and it was an extra after what they did when they ordered.

As we chatted this lovely couple with us excused themselves and went to the counter.  After we left we asked what treat they had bought.  Imagine our surprise when they said they had used money off of a gift card to treat each boy to a soft cone and thick shake. They asked the girl at the counter not to do anything until we left and that the boys be allowed to choose what flavor they wanted.

This couple are on a pension so have limited funds and do not have many luxuries in life so to give this away was wonderful.  

I feel really blessed. To see a group of young boys having some innocent fun and who helped their neighbour when she was sick; a neighbor showing she appreciated the kindness shown to her and her pets by a group of young boys. And of course I also appreciated this wonderful couple who gave away some of a gift they had received. I smiled then and I am still smiling now.


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Readers Comments

erinvictoria wrote: It is a breath of fresh air to hear of such kind young men. There seems to be such a negative attitude from so many of our youth that feel entitled to get everything they want/need for nothing. How generous of the couple you took to treat those boys to an extra treat. What a nice story.
Spoonerism wrote: It's a great story of kindness spreading through a group of people! I think the news and the papers give us a bit of twisted view of young men and young people in general... yes they can be rude, surly and even completely out of control... but we don't hear nearly enough about the ones that are polite and perfectly well behaved! Thanks for sharing a good news story like this!
oldgirl wrote: erinvictoria, yes the boys were very good and their families should be very proud of them.
Bluxess wrote: These boys are no ordinary boys ... They seem to have the ability to connect not just amongst themselves but they have connected the lady from McDonalds and you all together ... It sounds like one big happy family even if it was meant for a few moments ... You are carrying them in your memory and now we carry them in our memories ... That's so beautiful my friend. Have a blessed day, Bluxess.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Wow, so many great kind acts here! I love it! I think it is great when someone does something in recognition of good behavior or being polite. So many have lost that now. Stories like this just remind how kindness is contagious! Thanks for sharing! :)
JENNZO66 wrote: Oh, this is such a wonderful story! It's rare to see young people who are as kind and well mannered as these boys. And what a wonderful gesture by the elderly couple to give the boys a little something extra. This just warms my heart. Thanks for sharing! :)
moral12 wrote: This is a great story; it especially demonstrates how giving is contagious and makes all the givers feel good.Thanks for sharing it.
LJeanne wrote: What a lovely and refreshing story- the ones we don't hear about enough. Thanks for sharing!
proActive wrote: this story is worth reading. thank you for writing this.
i really believe that when you give, you will also receive...
annjav wrote: We are all fortunate that you got to witness this generosity. Very heartwarming.

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