Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Few Bucks In NYC

--by wayfarer, posted Sep 15, 2011

My family and I were in the dining plaza of New York's Grand Central Station. We were sharing a happy chat, coffee and some ice-cream. Hardly subsistence level dining. Then my daughter drew my attention to something I hadn't noticed.

A man in a suit had been enjoying a meal, perhaps before heading home, when another man, who looked liked he might have been a "rough sleeper" wandered by. He stopped by the table, looked down wistfully and eventually said, "That sure looks good." Then he walked away and found a seat .

A few seconds later the man in the suit picked up his meal, walked over to the homeless guy and presented him with it.

As he cleared the coffee cup and napkins from his table into a bin near us I said, "Excuse me, sir. That was a kind thing you did."

He smiled, blushed and shrugged. "I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to insult him by offering him a half-eaten meal - but he seemed glad of it."

He went on his way and I continued watching the homeless guy. He ate every crumb he had been given, then stood up. As he stood he picked up a heavy woollen blanket and I realised that was probably going to be keeping him warm on the streets that night.

Then I remembered the Kindness Money I had been gifted by an anonymous Smile Groups friend. So, I caught up with the fellow and pressed some of those dollars into his hand.

Later that evening Julie and I were sitting waiting for a hotel shuttle bus near the Staten Island ferry terminal. I saw a ragged man limping along the riverside towards us. He was maybe about fifty, with a mane of dirty blonde hair and a big bushy beard. His face seemed badly burned by the sun.

He leaned heavily on a walking stick as he made his way from bin to bin. Perhaps he was looking for food, or perhaps he was looking for cans and bottles to recycle.

Anyway, I expected him to ask us for some spare change - but he walked on by, not bothering anyone, just minding his own wretched business.

So, I approached him!

"Having any luck?" I asked.

"Nooooooo," he relpied, laughing at the absurdity of my question.

"Well then, let me give you some," I said and I handed him some more of that wonderful Kindness Money.

His bushy beard split in a wide smile. "Why, thank you," he said. "Thank you much!"

So, as Julie and I headed to the hotel we knew that two down-on-their-luck New Yorkers would have things a little easier that night.

And, thanks to my anonymous benefactor, I got to keep on doing what I like the most. I got to share the love in NYC! 

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: what a perfect way to use the Kindness spreading more kindness! You blessed them, yourselves, and the original benefactor of the Kindness Money, all at one time!
Bluxess wrote: I am so glad that the benefactor chose you to perform these acts of kindness. May the benefactor, you and the beneficiaries all be immensely blessed. Have a lovely week ahead. Bluxess.
Aurelia wrote: Wishes do come true. I am sure those homeless friends were looking at the stars that night and wishing for some goodness to come their way! Thank You for being so kind and remembering those who are struggling. Walk the walk brother. :) ~Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You always make us proud wayfarer and thankful for your kind heart!
moral12 wrote: It certainly made me smile when I read you asked the second guy if he was having any luck. Good story and good for your kind heart!

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