Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Found $20

--by Anon, posted Jun 26, 2006
I was a traveling nurse (just recently stopped) and one of the most wonderful times in my life was when I was driving north for Christmas....I found a $20 bill and decided to put it to use....I paid for tolls for the people behind me and with that act of kindness--many smiles were brought to others faces as well as mine...some people caught up with me and waved thank you, some had cars full of kids and presents and the waves made my random acts of kindness are wonderful and brought smiles to many people that day...the most fun was trying to get the toll takers to do it...they looked at me as if I had lost my mind when I said--I would like to pay the toll for the 3 people behind me...but some of them really got into is a special memory and one I hold in my heart every day.....
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Readers Comments

James wrote: I think this is a true example of random kindness. OK the money was found, but most would not consider what you did. There are many tales of illness which are awe inspiring - but true kindness comes with no motive or trigger. Being kind to the one who has it all is just as important as being kind to those who have nothing.

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