Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Remembering an Anonymous Friend, 15 Years Later

--by hrjamest, posted Oct 20, 2011

I had just graduated college and couldnt find a job in Los Angeles. I ended up moving to Las Vegas but left my wife and two kids behind. I missed them all week, and I went home on most weekends to see them. Most of the time I rented a car because it was hard to get my beat up car over the pass to get to and from Vegas.

Well, one time I decided to save money, and I took my car. It made it to California, but Sunday on the way back to Vegas it conked out in the broiling Nevada nigh. Not having any idea what I would do, this middle-aged angel drove up. He gave me some water, put in some coolant, and fiddled with the engine a bit. He got it started.

I gave him the $12 I had in my wallet and he said he would use it for the next car. It turns out my anonymous friend is a mechanic who drives up and down that stretch of the highway each weekend rescuing stranded motorists and only takes donations if they are offered. Fifteen years later I still think about what a beautiful man he was.

James Scott Toland, 45 in Sunland, Ca.

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Readers Comments

Raqui wrote: Wow this is amazing. I home he still is around
Bonnie wrote: Omg great story and example of kindness. All ofus need to internalize a little bit of this example. I wonder how we can get such a kind heart that we go out seeking others to help
julieoolums wrote: I read an article about a guy who has done a similar thing for years. Maybe it's the same guy. A little bit of love and care sure goes a long way!
db2xs wrote: I love remembering the kindness of anonymous strangers. I have so much gratitude and hope that i can continue on the faith and loving attitude to others as well.
mike wrote: I can't put it in words. I'm just glad that the story came to cross my path. My view of people is not a good one, so reading this story made my heart smile. It refreshens my spirit to know that there is at least one person who may be genuinely kind and that restores my hope, encourages me to carry on. Praise god!
STEVENSON wrote: I am grateful to rachel davis valentine and trachi cardwell who were my sponsors for m. Div in cheenai, india(hbi and college),in 1995 to 1998. I have seen her photo (rachel davis) in the facebook). Make my wishes to rachel davis and traci cardwell and families.

I need your addresses. I have been to the usa many times for teaching and preaching as you said 15 years ago in hbi and collge.

With prayer,
Rev. Stevenson,pastor,
Ministry among hill tribal groups,
My email id : stevenson_koya@yahoo. Com
Please send emailids.
HappyDae wrote: What a wonderful encounter with a wonderfully generous and compassionate "angel" of help. And what a wonderfully unselfish and generous thing for you to offer every thing you had in repayment. Thank you for sharing. Your remembering this man for a long while brought to mind this quote:
"what we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal" ~albert pike love and peace, happydae
Bluebell wrote: It is so lovely to know that no matter what an act of kindness will live forever in our hearts. Love and light and endless blessings, bluebell
elspeth wrote: Over the years i have had many car problems, dead batteries, lots of flat tires, frozen diesel, you name it - and some good samaritan has always come along and helped me. One time i discovered a flat tire in a parking lot, and while i was looking, a guy and his girlfriend, both kind of scary-looking, to be honest, came up and offered to change it for me, and did, refused any money, and went their way - there are many good souls out there - may we each be blessed to encounter them when we need them, and may we all try to emulate them.
bilkis yusuf wrote: Wonderful,kindness always pays, god loves those who help people in need

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