Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Coupons During the Holiday Season

--by dorothy7, posted Oct 22, 2011

My husband and I often buy Christmas gifts for the residents at a children's home.

One day, we were at the mall buying gifts for the children. We were having problems with the size listed for one older boy.

My husband asked another customer about the size required. The lady said her son wore the same size. She directed us to the appropriate rack of clothes.

Then, she asked, "Do you have a coupon?" We replied, "No."  She gave us a 20% off coupon. What a nice gesture!

Later, in another store, I also offered an extra coupon for another shopper.

I was spreading this "instant kindness" idea around to others.  

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: That's what it is about !!! Keep it up !!
Bluebell wrote: That's very sweet and also uplifting it's like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love watching kindness keep going like that! :)
erinvictoria wrote: I get coupons in the mail for the store Bath and Body works in the mall. I like to walk in, see someone that is buying a few things and hand them the coupon for $10 off purchase, they look so surprised when I give it to them. So, I know how you feel when you share. It's a great feeling!
annjav wrote: What a practical and useful way to cheer others up! I love that idea! Good for you!
Trish0317 wrote: There are kind people in this world after all. But especially around the holidays. Keep up the good work

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