Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Saving Someone a Few Steps

--by Loyal, posted Oct 26, 2011

After parking my car at the supermarket or discount store, I look around to see if anyone, especially an elderly person or mother with small children, has almost finished emptying their shopping cart. 

Then I ask them if they would like for me to take their cart into the store with me so that they won't have to walk it to the cart-return area. 

Guess what?  I have never been turned down, and have always been thanked for doing so. 

1837 Reads

Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: That's very kind of you.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very nice of you and a great way to spread a few smiles! :)
moral12 wrote: That is a kindness for all parties concerned; kudos to you for your thoughtfulness!
annjav wrote: That's a very thoughtful and kind thing to do. It's a good habit i think i'll latch onto for myself! Good job!
LadyBug wrote: Such a simple and kind thing to do! I'll try to do it myself :)
MamaPajama wrote: Such a simple idea and yet so thoughtful. I'm going to try this!

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