Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude for our Caregiver

--by wooka85257, posted Nov 11, 2011

About 2 months ago I realized how often my mother's caregiver would do kind things for me.  Not just little things ~ BIG things, like picking oranges and juicing them, making my bed for me when my muscles are so tight I can't bend over easily, raking the leaves and weeding the front yard......... those kinds of things. 

I ALWAYS thank her, and she says she enjoys it.  But I decided, since she is paid a set wage by the agency we went through, and has a large family to raise, I would put a dollar in a decorative box every time I see one of those kinds of things that she has done for me. 

I have already changed out 20 single dollar bills for a $20 bill TWICE and have probably somewhere in the vicinity of $70 in there.  That's my own "thank you for your many kindnesses" box, and when the time comes (and it will, probably this year) when we can no longer afford a caregiver for my mother, I will have a box of money that will say thank you in a tangible way, and which hopefully will help to tide her over until she gets a new job. 

We've had her for 2.5 years, and she's like family to us. She is our own precious angel.  And while I know she does these things out of kindness and love for us, it will be my chance to do something out of love and kindness for her.  Because it is just a dollar every now and then, it is hardly missed.  But in 6 months, or 10 months, or however long it is before the money runs out, it will have grown to quite a bundle of love.........just like all the bundles of things she has done for me. 

I don't want the day to come when she will no longer be with us, because I will miss her presence terribly, but I can hardly wait to give it to her!

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Readers Comments

Jan wrote: We had a caregiver like that for my mom. At christmas my mom made her an afghan and i gave her $50 cash. She said the agency didnt allow them to accept gifts and of course i insisted. We paid the agency $14 an hour and the caregiver earned $8 an hour. :(
wooka85257 wrote: Another update: the kindness box has $582 in it! And she still has no idea i am doing this for her. Every day she is here, she is a gift to both my mother and me, and we give her birthday and christmas gifts, and i celebrate the anniversary of when she first came to us with a cake and $100. I save up for that every year, and it never fails to surprise her.
sandra wrote: That is so special. Too often people take for granted the kindness of others. The care giver you described must be a wonderful person, and you too are special to recognize the little things she does from her heart rather than for the payment.

'jesus said , the greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted' matthew 23:11,12
May the lord's blessings shower upon you, the caregiver, and your mother.
patinacs wrote: God bless you always. You are truly an inspiration and reminder of what jesus taught us and obviously come from good people. God has blessed them with you. Thank you for sharing with us.
cabbage wrote: What a wonderful way to honor her!

That is so sweet. Thanks for sharing.
Judy wrote: I can't wait to hear what her reaction is when you present her with the gift. Money can be "evil" sometimes, or at least the love and lust of it, but when it provides a family with necessities and sometimes an expression of love then it is powerful. What a pleasant story for the season. Both sides--her kindesses and your appreciation. Blessings to you both.
David wrote: I loved your story, thanks for sharing
rabc wrote: Very sweet,love your idea,god bless!
Sara Cole wrote: Gratitude is schedulng, physically transporting ( a literal dragging my limp and near lifeless carcass) to several doctors for more pills, the famous "brain-mapping" torture, capping the bottle with true, honest, and eternal positivity that's what gives me the will to go on, accept the quest before me bravely, but most successfully - i have a soul gratefully knowing that i'm the captain of my own ship, able to survive sqalls and calms because my almighty mother takes the cake for caregiver***her candles will forever burn in the name of bringing my spirit back to life & mending the gaping hole in my soul! Mom- i exist because i hope must be can be your caregiver someday. My soul lies next to yours for eternity. "
Bluebell wrote: You are a kindness star, and so is that beautiful soul, in fact an angel in form of a caregiver. Love and light and endless blessings, bluebell

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