Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spending My Week Helping Others!

--by Jacinda, posted Nov 17, 2011

I have just got back from a two week university holiday break. Throughout the holidays I had an enjoyable time helping some family friends with their garden and house: weeding, mulching, stacking wood, washing all the windows, vacuuming and cleaning. It was hard work but very enjoyable and so rewarding!

Then a friend asked me if I would like a very pretty Tahitian outfit. I did like it but I thought it might be more useful if I paid-it-forward. So I gave it to a university Tahitian club who wear these outfits when performing.

 When I got back to univeristy on Sunday after the holiday break, as usual, I felt in a creative mood. So I organized a fun treasure hunt through my flat. It brought lots of smiles to lots of faces.
Tomorrow I’m volunteering to help the staff at the university Tahitian stall. This is part of an event held to connect different cultures within the university. So, I’m looking forward to 10.00am tomorrow when I will help out there. Exciting!


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Readers Comments

SHEKHAR wrote: I want to partcipate in the orgination to help the others when ever we have a time if any orgination then contact me but not for the money. I like to help who actually need my contact no. Is 9833406204
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are such a sweetheart Jacinda. The world is a better place because of kind hearts like you! :)
Bluxess wrote: You are doing a great job out there, spreading joy ... Be the change as you are, blessings, Bluxess.

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