Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Practicing a Little Patience

--by Aurelia, posted Nov 17, 2011

I work at night in a department store. Yesterday I had a customer come to my register to order socks from our catalog. It seemed pretty clear and easy to me, but she was struggling to figure out how many 3packs she needed to order. She apologized for being so confused and told me she had a head trauma and it was taking time for her to think.

I told her not to worry and we would figure it out together. She pulled out paper and wrote down 3 and then put numbers in was really something how she worked hard to figure out 3 x 4 = 12.  That she needed 12 pairs, which was 4 packs...which I could have just told her, but I could see she needed to figure it out and feel good about it.  

In  the meantime, her husband showed up and she lost her train of thought. It took about 10 minutes to place her order, but she left feeling really good about herself and her husband thanked me profusely.

Sometimes it's hard to show patience, but it really pays off.


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Readers Comments

bookworm58 wrote: Your a sweet lady to be patient with the lady as a customer. Its hard at times to be patient but so rewarding when we are. Thanks for the story
bilkis wrote: What wonderful patience, in this materialistic world to make a little extra time and be patient is very good, may god bless you for going beyond your duty and showing such undrstanding
KidsCoach wrote: Your patience was a true gift that helped someone feel better about herself and empowered her to be able to do things on her own. Too many times we think life needs to run on our own personal time schedule and it would have been easier (for you and any of us) to just come up with the answer and spit it out. Bless you for your kind patience. :)
bookworm58 wrote: Your story was very special. Its nice to see people do wonderful customer service these days. I know it takes a lot of patience at times but people appreciate your help.

Merry christmas and happy new year to you and your family.
katja wrote: You may never know how that woman walked away feeling proud of herself, and very well could have helped her with her patience with herself in the days to come. Not many would be so kind. Bless you.
Lawrence wrote: Its so easy to do things rather than help a person learn his her lesson. Thanks for showing great patience during such time. Bless you with lots of kindness.
harjie wrote: I cannot thank you enough for your patience, as it is one characteristic that seems to be lacking the most in people these days!

My grandmother is honestly the one woman i love the most in this entire world, and drive two hours to see every weekend, and when i see other's (store keepers, or even friends visiting) behaving patiently with her since she is 93 years old and tends to take her time to walk, to communicate a single thought, to eat, etc. Thank you for doing that for a complete stranger =)
Rosa10 wrote: My lord i raid this story yesterday, i was so thouch by it. But i did nor write anything, becouse i m 42 years old and my reading and writing is 4th grade. I have so much to say but i can not. I just told my self i will write what i can and some day i mayit write a book. Thank you so much for all thoughtful people for make me feel better.
Swift wrote: So many people do so much rushing these days. It is seen everywhere. Those who rush tend to miss out on the everyday little things in life that make such a difference and mean so much. Your patience in this case made at least two people feel so much better. To create happiness and caring. What could be more important? Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness!
everyoneseven wrote: Great story. Thanks for sharing.

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