Readers Comments
Glowworm wrote: Wow, your friend is a wonderful example to us all! I wonder if I would make the same sacrifice, if given the opportunity. I pray I would. God bless you, your wonderful friend and that wonderful woman Gloria!
(P.S. Your English is outstanding.)
(P.S. Your English is outstanding.)
Bluxess wrote: This is joy double-dose for you :-D I can totally imagine the cloud 9 you probably were ... One deserving soul got love from another deserving soul through the channel, who is a deserving soul as well ... Happy partying with each other Puffin. God bless, Bluxess. As Gilgenbach says, your English is just perfect.
Puffin wrote: Thank you for lovely comments- (this is where my English lets me down- flippin' language) have no idea what the English expression is but in Sweden we would say that it warmed my heart? I'm hoping that this friend of mine will find a scholarship to come to Sweden and study, because this country needs more people like her... Wish I could import Gloria as well!
RMB333 wrote: Wonderful story Puffin, millions of thanks for sharing. Untold Blessings will follow on You, Your friend & Gloria!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love when kind acts like the one you were doing attract others who want to help out! I think there is a kindness hero in us all just looking for a chance to come out. Thanks for sharing! :)
Earthymom33 wrote: :) what a wonderful circle of kindness and giving. I love being connected (even if just via internet story-sharing) to folks who make it a point to live a life of consideration beyond themselves their needs.
wooka85257 wrote: What a beautiful story. And yes, the expression is the same in english. How it warmed your heart. Isn't it amazing how a single act of kindness (hers) touches others (you) and pretty soon it spreads to others (gloria). And who knows how many people it will touch here, just reading your story. Thank you for sharing it. You are all angels of compassion and kindness.
moral12 wrote: It was absolutely wonderful of you to spread the word about your friend's need; telling others can often pave the way for others to help, too. Bless you for taking the time to care about your friend and to actually do something to help. And, bless gloria, too, obviously another angel here on earth.
barbara wrote: This is what i mean. Just talk to people-let them know whats happening and they will rise to the occassion. There is more good out there than what we realize.
whitby98 wrote: What an incredibly sweet thing all of you did for each other! Kindness upon kindness. How beautiful!