Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Flowers and Wheel Chairs

--by rasy, posted Dec 2, 2011

I am the Director of a little non profit Youth Centre and we do at least one act of kindness a month with the youth who attend. Just this month the youth handed out flowers to random community members. There was great energy among the kids that day, after we exchange stories on how we felt about the act of kindness we did. A 14 year old male stood up and said "Id like to say something." I was a bit surprised as he is a shy and quite boy but I said go ahead.

"Today I gave a lady who was in a wheel chair a flower. She was putting her two kids in the back seat of her car. When I went up to her and said, hello, she was suprised when I handed her a flower. I quickly said Happy Valentines day and started to walk away. She then then said, wait young man, thank you very much for the flower, I really apperciate it. I nodded and was on my way. I am wondering how she gets her two kids ready, puts them in the car, and gets them to daycare all by herself. To me that is outstanding, and I am glad I picked her. I really hate when the youth centre makes us do acts of kindness, but now I really understand how important it is to be kind to one another."

The next day the same youth came back to the Youth Centre. He said he seen  the same lady he saw yesterday in her wheelchair and when putting her children in her car, her wheel got stuck in the snow. He said he grabbed her chair pulled her to the curb and said there you go. When the lady looked up at him she smiled, and said well thank you young man. He then said no problem! and walked away.

He was glowing that day, and for the first time I could see he felt great about himself. I then heard him later on tell another youth what he did the last few days with the lady. The other youth responded with a smile. :)

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: You are doing a wonderful job of raising a good citizen.
Lety wrote: Dear chinthaka / chandima1) can we know asto how teams would qualify from each group. 2) why group d' has only two teams? 3) why is the nett run rate not shown in the poitns table? 4) how can we get a hard copy of the rules & regulations of u23 (for this tournament)? Trust you will respond immediately (0)
RMB333 wrote: Great story! Yes, as bluebell said i too wish all the directors of youth centres would be like you. You are a shining example! Thank you for being you.
Jana Sheeder wrote: What a special story and a life-changer for that young boy. Such a terrific youth centre. I just love the fact that you are making a difference with the youth every single day. Great job. So proud of you.
Nanci wrote: We do not do kindness so that it will come back to us, but it will come back to us regardless. And just think of the world we would have if everyone did an act of kindness daily, just automatically.
L.B.Kalantri wrote: Seed of act of kindness has power to emerge in odd too and it is cotagious
momov3 wrote: This story shows that after we participate in one act of kindness- even if it is "forced" upon us- it changes us. I doubt the young man would have thought twice about the woman stuck in the chair had he not interacted with her just the day before. And, i believe that in just those 2 acts, he has been changed forever. It may not show now (or it may), but deep down in his heart, the kindness seed has been planted and only he and god know when and where it will grow. Thanks for the great story and thanks to the youth center and all of its workers for showing these young people how to give (even if they don't actually want to- but that is usually just a front they put up to show how cool they are! )
Light and love
bilkis wrote: What a wonderful way to teach young people to care and help those in need, this will change our world and what we teach our youth will always remain with them
Sylvan wrote: And that young man, what quickness to perceive a challenge not his own, his decision to be a positive in another's moment. And on and on it will continue each time this is read, commented, and remembered
Aung wrote: Proof! You never know when children are listening and taking it all in. A delightful story to read.

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