Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Standing in Line For Someone Else

--by JenMerrick, posted Dec 7, 2011

This happened to me 20 years ago and I'll always remember the kindness of this stranger. 

I was pregnant with my second child and I was at the DMV office waiting in line to get the title to my car.  It was taking a very long time. I must have sat down three times because I felt so dizzy.  This pregnancy had been a hard one. I was in my eighth month and I was not feeling so great. I stood up and got back in line and started to feel faint again so I turned to go sit down and this young man stopped me and said that he would stand in line for me if I didn't mind. He told me that his wife had seen me sit down several times and that she was pregnant and understood  how I was feeling.

I was living in Los Angeles at the time and hadn't met many people that were caring or polite. I was so thankful for that kind man who helped me out that day by standing in line for me.  I'll never forget how much he helped me that day! 


2011 Reads

Readers Comments

Bluxess wrote: Caring people are everywhere ... He was your testimony :-) Blessed be, Bluxess.
Glowworm wrote: What a lovely person to do that for you. Thanks for sharing.
hasifa wrote: wow, what a wonderful gesture. Im glad he was there for you when you needed him. thank you for sharing.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Like Bluxess said there are caring people everywhere. I'm glad one found you to make your day a little easier!
SmileSharer wrote: That was so kind of him!
tannaz wrote: Thank you for sharing, i'm happy that i see and feel the kindness of such kind and caring people around the world.

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