Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by wayfarer, posted Dec 19, 2011

My wife and I were out on the perimeter road that runs around where we live. Two dog walkers passed by and we heard one of them say, "Never seen that dog around here before."

We looked down the hill and saw an old black labrador stumbling painfully up the hill. It reached us, and its legs kinda fell out from under it.
We bent down, talked gently to the mutt and patted it. I checked and there was a collar. There was a phone number on the collar, but no one answered.
The dog was so painfully thin that there seemed nothing between its ribs and its pelvis but spine. It didn't have many teeth left and, well, it just seemed done.
My wife ran home to get some of our dog's food and mush it up in some milk while I tried to entice the dog to come along with me.
By the time she got back,  I was only half way home. So, we sat down on the pavement while our new friend made short work of the food.
Eventually we got her home. We gave her a blanket, more food, kept her warm and wondered what to do next.
After phoning and phoning we got a response from the number. A lady came around with a bunch of flowers for us. She explained that Tara had been her father's dog. She was very old and should probably be put to sleep, but the lady just couldn't bring herself to do it.
She was so glad we had found her because Tara was almost blind and almost deaf. If she had wandered onto the road ...
So, Tara was safely returned home.
That morning, my wife were outside because I was leaving. She was trying to talk me into coming back, but I wasn't hearing anything that made that sound likely. 
I was about to turn and go - when an old, worn out dog walked between us and collapsed. Suddenly we had something more important than our problems to worry about. There was a creature in need right before us and we had to work together to help it.
We did help it. And here am I writing the story in my own home, amongst my own family.
In the song "Love Is Not A Fight" Warren Barfield talks about marriage and its trials. At one point he sings, "And if we try to leave, may God send angels to guard the door."
Sometimes angels come disguised as dogs.


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Readers Comments

LucyStar wrote: Thank you for sharing!
HappyDae wrote: Such a meaningful story of love. All the way around. Master and dog's love that poured over into daughter's love for her father and his little life-long companion who found her way to a couple who, though in love, found themselves ready to part. But that was not the will of god. His angel of love, tara, found her way into your loving hearts, only to restore and rekindle that which was there all along. Love for one another. I am so happy that you did not leave. And that you remain a couple. I wish you continuning happiness and love everlasting. Love and peace, happydae
Thaata wrote: Love is something felt not talked about. When shared it brings joy all around. Thanks for the story and wish this joy remain with you forever.
Joy wrote: What a nice story. Thanks so much for sharing. Many blessings to you and your family.
Joyfulwillow wrote: Angels indeed do come in all sorts of packaging. I am so grateful one came to mend your fences at such a crucial time. May the blessings keep building.
sathsath wrote: So u really saw an angel coming right into your house and even meeting your family! Good days ahead!
Ariana wrote: What a sweet story! I'm so glad you saved that animal.

:) animals are amazing creatures, and should be treated as such~
Lisa wrote: I got goosebumps. Yes angels do come disguised as angels. Thanks for sharing and blessings.
Crystal wrote: That absolutely brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful story. I've been married for 22 years and it is not always easy. We've had our ups and downs and our moments of one of us thinking it is time to leave. And i love dogs, too, so that was a double whammy. God bless you and your family.
Joy wrote: Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

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