Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Fierce Love

--by Sajha, posted Dec 10, 2011

Sometimes kindness has a ferocious beginning.

My dear friend Michael stood in line at a  grocery store. In the next line a mother had lost her temper with her screaming three year old sitting  in the cart seat. To everyone's shock the woman began slapping the little boy's face. Michael (a therapist) turned to  her and commanded, "Stop!" The woman jerked, as if from a trance and buried her face in her hands as she began to sob. Michael took her in his arms and held her as she cried. Then he comforted the little boy. The woman thanked him and tearfully told him about the tremendous stress she was experiencing in her life. Michael encouraged her and gave her a card to an excellent family therapist that he knew. Through her tears the mother apologized to to her little boy and hugged him and promised that she would make an appointment with the therapist.

I think most of us, at our worst, would benefit from someone stepping in to help us regain our bearings.

Michael is gone now, but the Love that he shared so generously in life continues on, rippling from those he touched to others.

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Readers Comments

sabrina wrote: He was a kind soul and people like him inspire us to be kind to others. thx for the story. smilesss
Sajha wrote: Thank you, Sabrina. He was wonderful.
crosby2126 wrote: What a wonderful, kind person your friend was . He showed love and compassion. When others might of judged , he helped.
Sajha wrote: Yes, he was a wonderful person, Crosby. And his love echoes on.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Even tough love is still love and can help. Anytime we take a moment to make a difference, it does...:)
unknown wrote: My dear Sajha, bringing up a child is probably not easy ... but during times of stress, it can be very hard ... Michael has been a kind angel who never judged her ... and helped them connect ... which is a powerful story ... God bless you all for being a part of this great story :)
Sajha wrote: Thank you for your kind words, Deeper.
luv4all wrote: This was an important lesson shared. Indeed, it is difficult to bear thru all pranks of children and keep the temperament good. Michael had guts n the lady was great to admit n seek help. Wonderful story, thanks!
CJ wrote: What an awesome story. Michael's act of kindness really lives on. I am a therapist and advocate for children. This story really touched my heart. Please pray for the family of a young girl was kidnapped and murder in our town whose funeral is today and for another girl's family of whom was hit after getting off a school bus by a drunk driver and the funeral is also today.
RMB333 wrote: What a wonderful outcome! Thank you for sharing. Thank michael for being him! Bless you, michael' that kid and his mom!

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