Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Man at the Red Light

--by Aashahla, posted Jun 28, 2006
As I approached a red light, I noticed a man holding a sign that read “Looking for a job, please help.” Only having a part-time job myself, I knew that I couldn't help with his job. But I wanted to do something.

I put the car into park and walked back three cars to where he was standing and gave him $10. He just looked at me, and we both started to cry. He said, “You know how long I have been standing here and no one has even looked my way?” I said, “It’s just a sign to let you know God is looking out for you. Keep your head up.”

It felt good to give someone hope who was in need. Sometimes all we need to know is that someone understands.
1683 Reads

Readers Comments

elissa wrote: Tears in my eyes, i have done this to people on the street in Manhattan, I could never walk past a person needing help and not give what i can! Gob Bless! xo
Robert wrote: You gave your gift from your heart. As bible says its always better to give than to receive. God bless you.

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