Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Tazmanian Jar

--by passion8, posted Dec 25, 2011

Last year, we were invited by a friend who's very active in reaching out to people in need. She organized what she called a 'minilympics' for special children of Holy Trinity (school for special children) and she asked all her friends and friends of friends to donate anything like cash, clothes or in kind. Holy Trinity school is being headed by some Catholic nuns who have been very faithful, compassionate and loving to the special children enrolled to the school.

It has been my habit to always put my change coins in my tazmanian jar which I keep for two years now. My purpose is to save a little of my money and then donate them when the jar is full. I initially planned of giving the money to Bahay Pag-ibig (home for the aged) last Christmans, but since I don't know how to get there alone, I decided to just donate them to the special children of Holy Trinity.

After our shift (8am) from work we went straight to a school gym where the event is happening. We started the game with a prayer and then grouped ourselves into five teams and started playing with the children. It was really fun to be able to talk and be with special children because the smile on their face makes you happy already and eventhough they have disabilities, you will not see the hopelessness in their eyes. You could feel also the sincerity and the purity of their heart. It is just so amazing to be with them! I went home with a joy in my heart while thanking God for what He has given me and at the same time feeling so blessed that I was able to bless these people with the time I spent with them and the little money I saved.

Blessings to everyone! ;)

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Passion8, your jar seems like a bank of love and kindness deposited everyday ... only to be given away to these beautiful souls ... What a fabulous job that must be ... Thanks much for sharing passion8 ... Keep going :):)
passion8 wrote: Thanks so much Deeper. The peope on this site are the kindest people I've ever met. They are just amazing!
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for your sweet heart and for your loving kindness. Love and Light, Bluebell
Aurelia wrote: A beautiful day! :) Special People have big hearts!!! I am so glad you were able to spend time with them. It sounds like it was fun. I love your tazmanian jar. It a great way to help others without the financial strain ... it all adds up! :)
God Bless. ~Smiles from Aurelia :0)
passion8 wrote: Thanks Aurelia! You're my inspiration. I've read all the stories you've posted here. Thank you for being an angel :)

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