Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love and Inspiration from Japan

--by Bluebell, posted Jan 5, 2012

Below are the some of the heart warming anecdotes that I've witnessed and heard from others during the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan last year... 

In the supermarket, where items of all the shelves fell, people were picking up things so neatly together, and then quietly standing in line to buy food. Instead of creating panic and buying as much as needed, they bought as little as they needed.  I was proud to be a Japanese.
When I was walking home, for 4 hours, there was a lady holding a sign that said, "Please use our toilet."  They were opening their house for people to go to the restroom. It was hard not to tear up, when I saw the warmth of people.
At Disneyland, they were giving out candies. High school girls were taking so many so I was thinking, "What???"  But then the next minute, they ran to the children in the evacuation place and handed it to them. That was a sweet gesture.
My co-worker wanted to help somehow, even if it was just to one person.  So he wrote a sign: "If you're okay with motor cycle, I will drive you to your house."  He stood in the cold with that sign. And then I saw him take one gentleman home, all the way to Tokorozawa!  I was so moved. I felt like I wanted to help others too.
A high school boy was saved because he climbed up on top of the roof of a department store during the flood. The flood came so suddenly, that he just saw people below him, trying to frantically climb up the roof and being taken by the flood.  To help others, he kept filming them so their loved ones could see.  He still hasn't been able to reach his own parents but he says, "Its nobody's fault. There is no one to blame. We have to stay strong."
There is a lack of gas now and many gasoline stations are either closed or have very long lines. I got worried, since I was behind 15 cars. Finally, when it was my turn, the man smiled and said, "Because of this situation, we are only giving $30 worth gas per each person. Is that alright?"  "Of course its alright.  I'm just glad that we are all able to share," I said.  His smile gave me so much relief.
I saw a little boy thanking a public transit employee, saying, "Thank you so much for trying hard to run the train last night."  It brought tears to the employee's eyes, and mine.
A foreign friend told me that she was shocked to see a long queue form so neatly behind one public phone. Everyone waited patiently to use the phone even though they must have been so eager to call their families.
The traffic was horrible!! Only one car could move forward at a green light. But everyone was driving so calmly. During the 10 hour drive (which would only take 30 minutes normally) the only horns I heard was a horn of thank you. It was a fearful time -- but then again a time of warmth and it made me love Japan more.
Last night when I was walking home (since all traffic had stopped), I saw an old lady at a bakery shop giving out free bread.  Even at times like this, people were trying to find what they can do and it made my heart warm.
When I was waiting at the platform, so tired and exhausted, a homeless person came to us and gave us a cardboard to sit on.  Even though we usually ignore them in our daily life, they were ready to serve us.
Suntory (a juice company) is giving out free drinks, phone companies are  creating more wi-fi spots, 1,000,000 noodles were given by a food company, and everyone is trying to help the best way they can.  We, too, have to stand up and do our best.
In one area, when the electricity returned, peopel rejoiced.  And then someone yelled: "We got electricity because someone else probably conserved theirs!  Thank you so much to EVERYONE who saved electricity for us.  Thank you everyone!"
An old man at the evacuation shelter said, "What's going to happen now?"  And then a young high school boy sitting next to him said, "Don’t worry!  When we grow up, we will promise to fix it back!"  While saying this, he was rubbing the old man's back.

Through all of this, I felt hope. There is a bright future, on the other side of this crisis.
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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Occasionally long posts are like a pearls-beaded necklace which we can't relish without taking the whole of it ... I loved this necklace Bluebell, love, Deeper.
Frans wrote: Clearly the Holy Spirit is working inside the people of Japan. After all you know the tree by the fruit it bears.
May you all receive the Holy Spirit fully through Jesus Christ.
God bless and much love
friendlyfrog wrote: this is so inspiring! wow i cried so much its almost comical. this is what it should be like all the time, and not just when disaster strikes
crosby2126 wrote: your words are calming and inspirational.I have been touched and greatly impressed by the genuine compassion the people of Japan have shown in the midst of such horrific conditions. They truly are role models for all the world to see.Thank you for shining your light on us.
RMB333 wrote: Thanks a million Bluebell for your VERY touching post. It gives us a the best lesson in life. ie to GENERATE (Metta) Compassionate Kindness ALL round, NOT to forget Mother Nature! Untold Blessings will follow you!
LadyBird wrote: Thank you for sharing this with us, i have been so touched! I am grateful for kindness of these people!
wooka85257 wrote: A beautiful post, bluebell, and one that reminds us all to look to that spirit of sharing in our everyday lives, not just in crises. What gentle people they are!
sabrina wrote: Beautiful stories, bluebell. Brought tears and happiness. God bless all these people and you for sharing this. Thanks. Smilesss
blessinglife10 wrote: Am so touched by this post. Thanks japan people and bluebell for sharing this with us. For sure, there are many angels around us, we just need to open our eyes and see them and our hearts to feel them. God bless these kind people.
HappyDae wrote: There is a hymn that some may be familar with. "amazing grace" and while the lyrics were written by a man who had, at last, found the true meaning of life after having caused much pain to others. That title came to my mind. The amazing grace and dignity that the japanese people exhibited, their outpouring of love and compassion is truly grace under fire. Beautiful example to each of us. Thank you bluebell for sharing these stories with us. You are a beautiful and exceptional spirit of love and light. Love and peace, happydae

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