Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Trick-O-Treating in Reverse!

--by InnerAlchemist, posted Jan 6, 2012

My task was to knock on 10 doors and give them a treat -- a "reverse trick-or-treat" kindness mission!  I took a wicker basket and filled it with wrapped treats, including Emergen-C Joint Health packets, ThinkThin Crunch protein bars, and Kashi Honey Oat and Flax energy bars -- all fairly healthy items.

The Smile Deck Card said to knock on 10 doors, but I took it a step further and knocked on all of the 30+ doors in my apartment building. 

The results were on the whole quite positive.  However, my ambivalence with doing this deed stemmed from my fear that the neighbors would be suspicious of someone knocking on their door inside of a gated building.  This turned out to be the case with a number of neighbors, but that was part of the challenge for me -- to maintain positive, giving intentions amidst people's doubt and suspicion. 

I found that first sharing my *feeling* associated with this act helped alleviate their barriers to openness (ex. "I decided to do something nice for my neighbors and thought you might like one of these treats").  With some people who were especially doubtful, I noticed that the interaction seemed very much out of my control.  It was as if my intention combined with their energy yielded a specific type of outcome (breathing was quite helpful in between doors!). 

In fact, as soon as one man opened the door and saw me holding the basket, he abruptly started to close it, saying, "I'm not interested."  As he was closing the door, though, I quickly said, "No, I'm not selling anything; this is a gift."  Hearing this, he opened the door again and seemed appreciative of the effort I made.

It's almost as if having little to no agenda on my end was able to cut through people's doubt and suspicion, to some degree.  If, on the other hand, I were seeking to take something from them, I would not likely have been able to make as much of a connection with them. 

So coming from a place of giving and seeking connection, I found it fairly easy to make people feel comfortable and to feel (what I perceived to be) positive sensations.


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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: How very kind of you :) Maybe "Pass it on" or "Just a reminder" or "For you" or "Smile." I guess the simpler the better. The card pretty much explains itself.

I'm sorry you met some resistence. But good for you for continuing to try :)

God bless!
unknown wrote: The new payback is the pay it forward ...
Imagine you play kindness as a game ... As you pay forward, you get +++++++123456789.... karma points for you, your family, community and our whole planet ... wanna join me :) ...
I have a lot of warmth today, so giving you some ... with a chocolate ... !!!

IA: I am as shy as you did sound at some point, but you know, as I had to say, 'gratis knuffels' ... it was so much ... (Free Hugs in Dutch), after a point, it comes so effortlessly and each hug is so unique ... So, its fun ...

Thanks so much for sharing this note, it sounds healthilicious :) Thanks to Cabbage too ;)
InnerAlchemist wrote: Deeper - I'm generally not shy but more cautious about maintaining respectful boundaries with neighbors.

Good to hear that you feel the urge to give. I encourage you to share your story about giving warmth and chocolate so we can hear about the good deeds you have carried out. Feel free to post the link here in the comments :)
1golddragonfly wrote: Great job planting the seeds of kindness with even your most suspicious neighbors. Thirty + doors is amazing. That was a lot of opportunities for you. Myself, I like short and sweet with a big smile and good eye contact. Something like “This is for you, enjoy your day.” Then I’m on to the next person! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.
HappyDae wrote: You did it even though you were intimidated. Hooray for you! God bless your kind and giving spirit. Who knows how many of the 30 plus lives you may have touched in a positive manner and they, in turn, will do the same. Love and peace, happydae
colleen wrote: What a wonderful idea! I've given out a few smile cards, mostly by paying extra tolls at toll booths, but i really love this idea of reverse trick or treating. You are very generous and i applaud you!
Thaata wrote: I am an introvert and generally avoid communicating with strangers. Your story has given me the morale boost to attempt at such kindness acts. Thanks.
sysgram wrote: Nice description of the feelings that usually hold us back from reaching out. You didn't deny the "fear" but used breathing and kind intentions to see you through. Yes!
Nina wrote: You are so helpful and nice. That is so nice of you. I look up to being a good person like you.
whitby98 wrote: That's a great story. Kudos to you for having the courage to do that, and to persist even when the results weren't always what you wanted. Have a great day!

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