Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hope And Joy In A Wal-Mart Car Park

--by widow55, posted Jan 10, 2012

Wal-Mart parking lots can be a very busy place with cars and vans backing out while other vehicles wait impatiently to get the next spot. It can get a little congested at times and I have certainly seen many hurried people lacking in patience. I have ocassionaly been that hurried person.

The other night when I left Wal-Mart I was in a lot of pain from some chronic health issues and I just wanted to wave a magic wand on be sitting on my couch with the groceries all put away. I would love to have a magic wand like that! 
I started to get irritated when a woman and her child stopped dead in the middle of the parking lot to chat and hug with a friend while I was trying to back out! They seemed oblivious to my need to get moving.                                
Then I had one of those "light bulb" moments. When our eyes finally met, instead of giving them the why don't you move look, I gave them a huge smile.  It was then that they realized they could move to the side and chat (they appeared to have been truly lost in the moment up to that point). I was able to back out but still could not move forward because of other vehicles. I took the opportunity to enjoy their interactions until I could move. There were more hugs and then a goodbye. 
As I drove away, tears fell softly on my cheeks.  
I never got to hug my husband before he died. But, this was not a "pity me" cry. It was an awakening of my spirit to the joy and hope that still exists. 
It is always there. We just have to be intentional in creating it or looking for it.
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Readers Comments

RMB333 wrote: W55, think of how many times you would have hugged your husband before, so be happy with what you have given & done when you were able to ... when your mind is happy, your health will certainly improve. If you are able to - get involved with acts of charity even in small way ... that happiness will do you LOADS of good! Best wishes.
moral12 wrote: You turned a possibly irritating moment into a positive interpretation of the time you had to spend waiting. Great idea! We can choose to be in a bad mood or a good mood sometimes; you made the right choice! :)
Glowworm wrote: Wonderful! I'm so glad you put things in perspective instead of getting upset and giving the mom and daughter a dirty look. As for not getting to hug your husband, RMB333 is right: you did what you were able with the time that was given you. *hugs* God's got you in His sights. He loves you so much. I pray that you come to see His hand in the days to come, whether or not you believe in Him. As has been said "[You might not believe in Him but] He believes in you." ~Gilgenbach
Bluxess wrote: W55, strange are ways we are made to awaken ... I am glad you could find it when two unrelated people seemed to have merged their worlds ... Great going W55, Immense Blessings, Bluxess.
sabrina wrote: A second is enough for us to realize good things in life. Its good to know that you are looking at the positive side. I pray for your health and keep going. you are spreading smiles along the way. Sabrina
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great demonstration of how our perspective dictates our attitude. Good for you for finding a different and more rewarding way to look at that situation! :)
aurelia wrote: I am sorry for the pain you are feeling both physically and emotionally, but happy your shared your story with us. We can get quite caught up in our own little worlds, can't we. Taking time to slow down and observe is good medicine ...we can learn and heal by seeing goodness and learning appreciation for others. :) ~Aurelia :0) Smiles are Contagious and the BEST MEDICINE out there!
Upasaka wrote: To be able to see past your own immediate desires and recognize that others may themselves be so wrapped up in their own desires that they don't recognize your needs, and then to greet such a situation with a positive attitude is truly a gift. It is for that reason that you were rewarded with the tears of joy.
Joy wrote: May you continue to receive lots of joy and blessings. Thank you for sharing.
Marilyn wrote: Will follow your example! We all smile in the same language.

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